
ah, this is just a random post, reviewing megan and renata terminology :)

cheese it crust - a way of saying jesus christ. say cheese it crust fast. sounds like jesus christ, eh? yeah, renata and i started that at Rent in St. Paul. whooo knows why...
skanky lemon - either an insult or a compliment. you never really know.
*sob* - an oft use form of expressing sadness or annoyedness.... usually regarding the bravenet web chat.
*hiss* - we hiss at things a lot. this also originated in St. Paul.
*frowl* - a frown and a growl. all rolled into one convienent expression of frowningandgrowling. oh, and scowling.
*rawr* or *rowr* - either anger, or "he's (or she's) hot" it depends.
herd - hero. this is from renata's awful handwritting. often associated with curtis, and "who's your herd, or someone you admire?"

there is so much more that i can't remember now *sob* oh well. la-la-la-life goes on. and... i'm a bit concerned that i appear to be a twit to those who read my blog. wait, i ammend that. i am a twit... but not in a horribly bad way. you just need to get used to it. *nods* and hey, i'm blonde, give me a break!

i have a feeling i'm going to update many times in the next day or so...


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