
wearing: khakis, my arts fest shirt, a green button down shirt, my panera hat and sneakers. (can you tell i just (two hours ago) got off work?)

eating: a chunk of bread from panera.

on winamp: *opens winamp* pepper, butthole surfers. how much do i LOVE this song?

feeling: *is in pain* ooooooooow. my back hurts so much. *sob* i hate work, because it makes my back hurt.

thoughts: really, love work. woot. like, i do NOTHING all day, i skate around on the wet floors with jesse (turns out i went to kindergarten with him, how random is that?), and gossip with jennifer, and occasionally help customers and have the espresso machine explode on me... *hisses at espresso machine* also, i HATE people who are mean... for the sake of being mean. i mean C'MON. sheeesh. dude, i hate the random bakery things that like... aren't under ANYTHING... the register is set up so you choose one of three sweets catergories, and like, they're in semi alphabetical order... only, biscotti randomly doesn't exist on the register! but it's ok really, because no one ever buys it. like, dude, it's so nasty.. "would you like some gross dry sweet bread with your coffee?" yech.

i have more instant messages tonight than EVER. it's INSAAANE. *likes using the caps button*. no one ever ims me. and FIVE people imed me tonight! *feels very loved* anyhow, the point being... i'm going to go and talk to them, rather than blogging, which is really a glorified form of talking to myself....




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