
wearing: jeans, black tank top, rent hat.

nails: bright pink, VERY chipped, this nail polish sucks.

eating: an hard candy

on winamp: nooothing

feeling: hungry

thoughts: going out to coral ridge mall with grace in about 10 minutes... she's even coming to pick me up so i don't have to waste gas :) and ooooooh maybe pay checks are in (they come in thursday, but friday's pay day) aaaah, i can't thinnk of anything else really.

oh, funny story... i'm always whining about how people should e-mail me... well, my e-mail address was wrong on here :( when you clicked "comments" it would like, open a mail, only it was set to sent it to rainbowbrite.NET. i'm at rainbowbrite.org. whoops. ANYhow. anthony rapp in chicago this weekend, along with blessed union of souls. guess who *isn't* going *sobs* i hate my dad for being like "SUUUUURE you can go!" "no wait, i changed my mind, you need to go to the funeral of someone you haven't spoken to in over five years." *SIGH* i hate funerals. haaate hate them. now just watch, i'll end up not going, and sitting at home all weekend. bah.

weeeell, i'm gonna go organize my bag a little bit before grace gets here (note... i keep typing craze instead of grace.)

took me *four* times to correctly type my name.


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