
wearing: jeans and my greenish tight shirt thing. *nod*

feeling: myeh. food sucks.

nails: no polish whatsoever *gasp* it's distracting not having nail polish

listening: (note: since i've gotten my upstairs computer going now... i'm
using my stereo, rather than winamp. since it's all right here, and like ten
times better and all) empire records soundtrack, cranberries, liar.

should be: cleaning my room, doing some homework, sleeping

thoughts: so. i worked saturday 5-close, and today 8-2. saturday... was
interesting. bethany was having like an awful day, so she was all upset the
entire night, i don't really know what was going on there. seth and jesse
were in a ... rebellious/stupid mood. the mop water hose went berserk on
jesse and soaked him head to toe. that sparked a water fight which had BOTH
of them dripping wet (and me minorly wet) so, since they were all wet, they
both bought shirts that said "just did it" on them... *shrug* THEN the
decided that they shouldn't have to take garbage out. so the whined a lot.
it was annoying. then they made bethany mad and she stormed out. yeah, we
didn't get to leave until 11:00. it sucked.

then, today, i had to open at 8. with tom, the manager from hell. he's such
a moron. like, he thinks he should be this educated well off guy, but
instead he's the oldest person working at panera. and he's always
contradicting himself, and making up random rules that have nothing to do
with anything. i even asked one of the other managers about the rules he'd
told me, and they were like "yeah, don't listen to him" *shrug* today was
LONG. and it sucked. and people are stupid.

after work i went to ben's and watched 'seven' with him and amy and nic. it
was a really bad movie. it had several moments that caused me to dive under
my blanket and make screechy noises. but it was just... pretty much... bad.

i came home with the intention of making soup, but my dad made me mashed
potatos and porkchops instead. i did go and buy a thermos at walmart though,
so i can have soup tomorrow for lunch.

i'm typing all this offline, because my mom's been on the phone for an hour
and a half. i just checked again, and she's like "there's megan, checking to
see if i'm on the phone, she just wants to get online and "chat" *sigh*" i
was like *shrug, hangs up phone*

hey, random note to anyone who reads this... do you know what a remote access
system is? because aol 6.0 won't install until i have one. apparently.
it's sort of skanky and lame. but, whatever... there's no wrist rest on
this keyboard. so my left hand is dying. i'm gonna have to run downstairs
and grab an old wrist pad in a minute. this is killing me.

oh, and i work tomorrow 5-close too. *SIGH* three days in a row. but, i need
the money, so whatever.

my computer's being a bitch, renata posted this for me. we love renata.



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