
wearing: pajamas.

feeling: SO tired. i stayed up til.... 3:30ish last night. got up at 6:30. oy... and, i worked today.

nails: nothing, but very nicely filed, if i do say so myself. and i do.

listening: well, i was listening to elvis costello. but now i'm listening to saves the day.

should be: doing homework *nods* looking through my script some more...

quote: ok, luke said something today, that was THE funniest thing in the entire world. like, marin and i fell down laughing. but i CANNOT remember it. i was even like "dude, that's so going in my blog" damn. so. uh.. "would you find me some water? ... hey just forget it. can you bring me gasoline?"

thoughts: work today was fun. my last monday working until the play's over *snifflesob*. luke and i had a baggette fight. only, i had a french baggette, and he had a sourdough one. and the sourdough's harder than the french bread. so he won. ah, marin and i gossiped the WHOLE time. it was so funny. sheana gossiped with us too for a while. but she went home at like 8. we weren't busy at all. like, marin and i just hung out all night. it was really nice. i had a caesar salad for dinner. it was good. aside from the croutons. but i dont' like asiago croutons... because the asiago separates from the crouton and i get confused.

marin and i rummaged around and got all the old paperclips out of the pen holders... and made necklaces. i also hooked them over my earrings, and added a hanging section of paperclips to my paperclip necklace. marin put twist ties on her earrings, and on the necklace. it was great. i lost seth's name tag. (sorry seth. i didn't mean to. i got you a new bunny sticker though, it's orange. you can put it on your new nametag.) *nods* oh, i remembered something amusing luke said... not THE quote, but stilll.... he wandered by and looked at marin and me and was like "never trust a woman who wears paperclips" and wandered away again. also, we decided that since cory left, luke has to be our big brother. and luke's a mean big brother sometimes.

rehearsal tomorrow. woooooo wish me luck. it should be interesting.



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