
wearing: plaid pj pants and a grety tank top.

feeling: SO tired. i hurts to stay awake.

listening: elvis costello

thoughts: alright, i have a lot to say, i'll try to keep it from turning into a confusing rant...

this morning was odd. it started my day off... oddly.

cast picnic.... not all that many people came, which sucked. but the people that did come... my GOD! we had so much fun. we played all terrain, ultimate croquet. it was HILARIOUS. we were going to play a game in character, but the people we were waiting for never showed up. we all played on the swings, and climbed trees, and played on the merry go round and whatnot... then we played mafia and frogger for awhile, and we ate ALOT. it was so fun. my goodness, we're going to have like 10 cast parties throughout the course of this show...

went to work, work sucked SO much. like, i didn't get to take a break. at all. i nearly died.

renata's blog made me laugh SO hard tonight. first of all, the chat convo from AGES ago.... i was laughing SO hard at that... then, just the randomness at the end. aaaah. and dude, i haven't talked to renata in ages, because she's been sick, and i've been hella busy and it sucks. *sends postcards to her renata, saying "moving to santa fe" and "back in new york, starting a rockband"* *nod* oh hey, there's a pseudo mark shirt at maurices, i'm going to go and buy it tomorrow. *nod*



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