
oooh my lord. blogger ate a huge entry yesterday. almost made me cry *nod*


wearing: pj pants (they're not inside out anymore! yay for me being able to dress myself!)

eating: i was eating crackers. but now i'm not.

should be: doing my psych paper (what a joke, eh? mr. neuzil doesn't even read them)... and doing some sort of literary poetic device thing for AP english... but, i dont' really know what i'm supposed to do for either of those... so, whatever.

feeling: very good. thank you for asking...

thoughts: so. i wrote ALLLLL the quotes from cedar falls down... and a HUUUUUUGE rant/review. and guess what blogger did... "your session has timed out, we're sorry, please sign in and try again." *groans* it made me SO mad. so. here goes.


"hey, where does this go? omigod... is this a sidewalk?! ok... so, plan b... we are going to go and drive somewhere that isn't a sidewalk..."
--nic... driving around on the sidewalks by the dorms

"wow, is the sun rising already?"
"no, that's cedar rapids"
--nic and me, at like 5am, approaching CR

"do any of you want a sandwich??"
--other jesse, at like... 7am... first thing he said to anyone.

"heeeey now, mr. spready"
--jeremy, scolding nic for spreading out the discard pile

"are you boy george?!"
---... random... long story involving jeremy

"nuh uh! you have to yell shit! otherwise it doesn't count."
--playing cards

"OH my GOD! i caught that!! and i'm GAY!"
--jeremy, upon catching a pen that jessie threw at him

"oh my god, it was freeezing at hell!!"
"yes, hell is known for it's awful cold spells..."
--jeremy and me... talking... about somewhere cold, apparently.

"why don't they make depends thongs?!"
--noooo idea, nic just wrote this down with the quotes...

"i'm spending my rent money on Rent"
"oh the irony"
--dusty and me, discussing the large amounts of money we were spending on the show

lauren: "oh my god, is that an altoid hummer?!"
me: "no, it's a float... but look at all the hot boys in speedos"
jeremy: *suddenly wakes up*: "hot boys in speedos!? where?!"

"now do you want a sandwich?"
"are you sure? they're solid, like cheese"
"no, don't worry, it's only serious if the discharge is chunky"
--other jesse, lauren and me discussing the sandwiches

"where the hell were you last october, in IC?!!"
"in my own little corner, in my own little chair... crying over my po' ass"
--me and jeremy

nic: "so what do you do in new york?"
jeremy: "i'm an actor!"
lauren: "he's a waiter"

"nuh uh!! i was SO the butch knight!"

"dahling, have jeeves bring the limo around front, it's time to go wait for cheap theatre tickets"
--jeremy, making fun of the people at the end of the line in evening gowns and suits.

"does anyone else notice that kevin looks strangely like shaggy from scooby doo?"
--nic... or maybe missy


his hair bugged me. and like, he kept messing with it and scratching his head... but anyhow. he was really good with the guitar, very natural, very believeable. during glory, whenever he was sitting at the table, he'd stretch his arms out and reach towards the lights, while flailing around... i... didn't really dig that so much. when he was up, he was ok (surprisingly he wasn't kneee lunging here... he was almost everywhere else though). then, he'd sit down and start reaching out and flailing again... *shrug*... cute during LMC, only, at the "they say that i have the best ass" part... he was SO over the top. a few people said he did it like manley... but, um... kevin dear, settle down. he was like, stroking the table, and laughing... it was SO over the top. my god. ... he seemed to be leaning toward the manley theory that squinting makes you look full of anguish and intensity... i kept thinking "i wonder if he has something in his eye..." uhm... during WI, at the mat, he was just SOBBING. my god. very cool and joshualike. AD was really good. during GL, when he's yelling at mark... oooh god, i was almost laughing, he reminded me of ben stiller in zoolander, SO much... sheeesh. oh, when him and mimi are singing... on "glory... i have to find..." he turned to her, almost apologetic, trying to explain why he was running... yeah. at stage door he was hitting on jessie. heeehehe. *makes smooching noises at jessie*

dominic: the hair!! WHY does he have matt hair?!!? *sobs* i want scott hair dammit. give me a mark with goddamn scott hair! (or anthony hair... ANYthing but matt hair!) *flails* anyhow, he was good. really. he did SO many little things that totally reminded me of jed... and i was like "awwwww" but then... he'd turn around and become drunken mark *sigh* he needs to cut down on the flailing... and... not chug the champagne during HNY.... yeah, he was good though... he'd get a little monotonous sometimes... like, i'm drawing a blank on the exact places, but twice, i noticed he was just sort of spitting out lines... i talked to him at stage door, and i was like "i was SO anti-you during the matinee, you cannot even believe... but then, during the evening show, i was like "ok, fine. he's good. *grumble*" and we talked for awhile, and he was really nice, and asked about different marks that i'd seeen, and i went off on a big long rant about trey... yeah. nice guy though.

um... my program's in my car. doh.

bridgette: needs some work in the acting department, GREAT voice, very sweet, very cute, LOVING her joanne. different, but good. i talked to her, and told her that she reminded me of the great mo daniels. and explained who mo was... yeah. she was so nice, and was riding joe (the guitar player)'s little mini bike thing around at stage door... they were SO funny. i loved her T:M. TMOLM was good too. yeah... i think she'll be fab

sara: don't kill me... but.... i'm not liking her so much. *ducks tomatoes* she does remind me of christina when she cared... but, i wasn't all that horribly fond of christina. but wahtever. she was good vocally (little problems on leap of faith..) cute otm... TMOLM could have been better, but overall i did really like her. people have been comparing her to haven... sorry, but no. she is no haven. *emmanates haven love* she's good. but she's different... and... i'm not used to her yet. give me time.

jackie: full time alexi, mimi for the mat) HOLY SHIT. this girl... ooooh lord. she was INCREDIBLE... krystal was great too... but, ooooh my god. for this being her first show... she rocked. and asian/spanish mimi thing goin on, she has straight hair, so it was just like, done wiht hot curlers so it had body, but i'm SO glad they didnt' do a wig or something, i LOVED her. the way she looked the way she sang... totally reminding me of yaz and karmine. god. wow. i talked to her at stage door after the evening show, and i was like "i know this was your first mimi this afternoon..." and she was like "you saw it this afternoon?! oooh my god... i was SO scared" and i was like "oh my god, i saw some of karmine's first shows, and dana's first... and you were GREAT... i never would have been able to guess that was your first show, or even that you were an understudy..." and she looked all happy, and said thanks, and we just talked about mimi... and it was really cool. also, i LOVE her alexi. yeah. i have some MAJOR jackie love.

justin: oooh my god. could this boy be any cuter? i was scared for him both shows during today for you... i swear, he looks like he's about to fall on the table jump... but... vocally... SO pretty. and... physically very pretty too. i'm liking him a lot. so different than shaun. reminded me a lot of jake. very cute at stage door "i SO dont' wanna get on the bus, it's like 90,000 degrees on there!"

clark: what confusing hair. the pink things... *flail* i was confused. very cute though, totally want to see her maureen (heard i JUST missed seeing it, rawr.) very cute to watch during rent, and during christmas bells. loved her voice mails, especially "hope you like the hot plate" . . . didn't talk to her much at stage door, but she had the hat, scarf and flip flops thing going... which i do ALL the time, so i love her. *nod*

haneefa: SO cute, my god. watching her on the life support platform during rent... SO cute. and her solo. wow.

ok, so i don't have my program, and it's really late, and i'm really tired, so goodnight, i'll rant more tomorrow.



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