
wearing: dark brown corduroys ... how do you spell cordouroy... is it like that? or.. the first one? hrm. uhm, anyhow... and a grey shirt.

listening: tick, tick... boom ... come to your senses. though, i think i'm going to dig out the moulin rouge soundtrack in just a second

quote: "stop thundering!" "then stop pouting!" (ben and i on the drive home. we were listening to amethyst... which has thunder in it... and ben kept thundering along...)

thoughts: went to big mikes with nic for lunch today. he whined about his hair alot. he thinks they over bleached it, but it totally looks fine. everyone go tell nic that his hair looks good.

i took my psychology test today, it was really easy... but it's mr. neuzil, so i guess that's to be expected. we also watched a really odd video today. oh well.

ben owes me some photo paper, everyone pester ben to bring me photo paper. oh, speaking of ben... he's taking nude pictures of himself right now. (hmmm that sounds really bad... but, hey) they're for photography... and ... if it works out like he's planning... hopefully the camera will be strategically positioned so they aren't x-rated. i wish him luck.

i would be taking pictures... but my camera is over at jed's. *SIGH* alas. and, might i add... my self portrait pictures won't be nude. (i'm sorry ryan).

i have no idea what time it is. i hope i'm not late to rehearsal or anything. bah.



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