
wearing: grey baggy pajama pants, with black baggy pajama pants under them... a blue long sleeved shirt, and my close up sweatshirt (i FOUND it! it was in my desk drawer! i'm soooo happy about it, i love this sweatshirt!)

feeling: well, i have a fever of 102.6 last i checked... so, that's not too hot. or... maybe it is hot.. oy, i didn't even mean... i... ugh. anyhow... i feel awful, it feels like there's something scratchy in my throat and it makes me cough constantly... then on top of that i'm sneezing all the time... and my head hurts, and i'm tired *cries*

thoughts: *sigh* just... *sigh* i'm so tired, i'm so busy... i have SO much to do... ugh. i just don't know where to begin. i have rehearsal everynight, which actually isn't that bad, unless the entire ensemble's there, in which case, i really can't get anything done. oy, my dad's messing with the phone lines so now i can't sign on for like another half hour, so i'll just have to hope that blogger has the integrity to save this offline.

if i don't come back tonight, i'm just going to post this tomorrow morning. yeah.

sorry to everyone i sorta ditched.



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