
wearing: my faaaavorite blue jeans, and my black and pink nightmare before christmas shirt. and shoes (i haven't worn shoes since like... thursday.) and... grey socks... aaand, yeah that's all.

listening: not my rent cd... because a certain nic has it *looks pointedly at certain nic* but i AM listening to bright apocalypse.

quotes: "hey now, who took my water out of the ceiling?!"

"just pretend that song never started... *relaxation voice* when i count to three, all memory of that horrible start will be gone... one... you are forgetting, two... stuart never messes up ... threee.... *starts song again*"

"this is a song... *long pause* for .... everyone who has chakras. *decisive nod*"

"*white lights come on behind stage* you've all just witnessed a miracle!"

thoughts: stuart show tonight. much fun had by all. set list is as follows...

rockstars and models - he didn't really say much... just launched into it... good good. *nod*
dresden - i was flailing around... because that's the order that they go on my tape that's in the car... i'm so used to dresden coming after rockstars and models... then i was like "wait! this isn't my tape! *flail*"
invincible - good song as always... makes me sad still... he played it in context to the goings on around the world...
ladders - talked about it fitting with invincible. i agree.
seven wonders of the soul - i love how randomly rocking this song can be. it rocks my socks.
only echoes - i don't know if i paid more attention to this song than usual... or what, but i LOVE it so much more now than i did before.
barbie - after he finished, he was like "what shall i play next? more filth?" oh, before this song, there was the usual group of people screaming "only changing drugs" stuart politely explained that james taylor has asked him not to perform that song. i was amused.
penguins - *whine* i want this song... to just be available to me... to randomly play... whenever i want.
nothing in between - rob was all marvelling at the guitar stuff he does. i love this song. my faaavorite song. maybe. ... well... maybe.
inventions - this song is growing on me, especially since godmonkey (http://stuart.godmonkey.com) put the lyrics up.
fall awake - one of my earliest stuart memories. its... such a good solid song.
evil white man - he was like "i don't know if i know that song anymore!" but he tried, and succeeded admirably.
uncle seth's false gospel - cool to hear it live. i love "yadda yadda yadda, the lord." it amuses me to think of someone reading... and actually ending like that *nod*
jonah - random kid mystic love going on. but i have no complaints.
kaleidescope - i just love the line 'to a delicate ear, i am a shout.'

then, his cd seller (king?) got up... and stuart was like "where are you goign?!?" and he's like "oh, the wash room" and stuart sang a song about how he was going to be clean, so when he came back would be the best time to kiss him. and some random guy kissed him *nod*

doppelganger - yeeeeah such a purely stuart song.
shades of greys - song i've never heard live. cool cool.
- i liked the... do the whole water songs thing all at once. *nod* they fit together so well.
random song i didn't write down. i do know that it wasn't by him though.
psycho killer - YEEEES! i love love love the stuart version of this. he used to almost always finish with it... but... i haven't heard it in a while.
practice dying - i wrote it down as "kid mystic" then, randomly in the middle of ths song, i'm like "GASP... this isn't kid mystic, it's practice dying!" i was so confused.

a VERY long break was taken... but admittedly, it was a veeeery long first set. went and talked to him briefly, asked if he'd be elvis costello for a bit... he sang part of beyond belief for me right there, and i was all merry. we talked a bit about alice in wonderland... and some other random stuff... like how evil my e-mail is.

savoring samsara - this is such a fun song to play loud while driving.
mercy - i really like this song, especially the guitar on it.
stuart becomes elvis... he was looking for his hat, which he'd stuck into the ceiling... and he had this classic "now where the hell did my hat go?!" look... then he suddenly spun around and wa slike "AHA!!" yeah, glasses and all *nod* the snakeskin cowboy hat made him a post modern elvis.
beyond belief - wooohoo!
oliver's army - wooohoo!
the other end (of the telescope) - ok, huzzah for little know elvis songs. i nearly fell off my chair (bench) when this song started. i was flailing about all merrily... and everyone was just pretending not to know me. *sob*
atavistic viking - i was so amused... he plays about half of this song with a guitar pick, and half without... like, different parts... yeah. so, he started the last verse with the guitar pick in his mouth... it was highly amusing...
windmill and wheatfields - he paused before this song, and was like "this song is for god!" and the second he played the first note everyone started laughing... it was a classic classic moment.
universe communion - classic stuart. love the guitar, looooove the song.
infinity hymn - i just love this... because the tune that he hums is SO infinity... it's too perfect to believe.
eclipse - yaaay eclipse.
your house - second or third time he's wrapped up with your house. i do like that song though.

so tired. need to work... perhaps write more random rants later... including the random stuart and my mom conversation... very odd.



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