
wearing: pajamas and my alice sweatshirt

feeling: really sick. *coughes*

should be: i'm sure there's something i ought to be doing. but i'm so tired i can't remember what it is.

nails: they're going to be HELLA cool tomorrow. make sure to look.

listening: nsync

thoughts: i ate alot today. i was just thinking of that. i really ate ALOT. like two days worth of food. (for me... keep in mind, i drink carnation instant breakfast, have a bowl of soup of lunch, and generally skip dinner) i ate a lot yesterday too. yuck. i need to settle down.

i worked from 5 - close today. so like.. *counts* six... and a half hours? ish? yeah. i'm so tired. i did stupid sandwich registers. and stupid tom and dan were the managers. bah. and kristen kept not doing anything and it made me all irate. so i made a peanut butter sandwich and whined to marin and tricia. it was nice.

and something cool happened today, hamm wants me to do this thing... or... something. *shrug* it's like, a workshop of a musical at the university. www.insarajevo.com should be cool... there's a reading from 10-2 on wednesday, so i'm gonna go to that and see how it all pans out. it should be cool. i need to e-mail the guy, then go to bed. so goodbye all you people... who are... reading this... yeah.


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