
on winamp: elvis costello, watching the detectives

wearing: jeans, grey and black striped socks, a blue t-shirt and my grey, zip up, kennedy center for the performing arts sweatshirt.

thoughts: hrm... i aknowledge the non workingness of the links. and yeah. today at school, i overheard a guy (i won't say who, but i find them to be very skanky) *bragging* about having burst into tears at Tina's funeral... and saying "i don't cry very easily!" he *does* cry easily, and yeah, why even bring that up in a random regular conversation? like "look at me, i'm strong, yet sensitive" *hisses* yeah. he's a brat. so, i'm incredibly tired today, i like, didn't sleep last night... and i didn't mention this yesterday, but when i got home, my mom YELLED at me for having gone to the funeral... even though i TOLD my dad i was going. he just forgot. now, i like my dad more than my mom, and he's just a lot nicer in general, but he's not reliable at all, which sucks. nothing happened today. muy boring. i worked on plans for the RML fortress (of doom) . . . and i think i did something else interesting (or sort of interesting) but i don't think i did. oh well, i'm gonna get offline...



wearing: harry potter pants, my close up sweatshirt.

thoughts: Tina's funeral was today... it was both nice (closure-wise) and awful . . . i wasn't going to go up to the casket at all, because i was so upset, but i ended up wanting to see her one last time, so mrs. hamm (the drama advisor here) walked me and paulina up to the front of the church... and while i don't regret going up to say goodbye, make my peace, etc... it was still horrible... it was like, you could tell that the funeral people had tried to make her look natural, and not bruised, but you could see that her skin was too dark, and her face looked all bruised, and i seriously lost it and had to be like, held up by ms. hamm. it was absolutely horrible. i cried from like, 2:00 to 6:00 . . . about 10 of her closest friends and people on the debate team spoke, and mr. wunn, the debate coach gave a long speech that made me cry really hard... and frances gave a speech about how seeing the accident occur was one of the worst moments of her life... it was so horrible to know that mr. wunn was with her up until her last moment... and he had to be there to be supportive to all of us, but i can only imagine how he really felt, same thing for ms. hamm. tina's parents were wonderful, only i felt so bad for both of them, her mom was just sobbing... and wouldn't let them close the casket, and her dad had to hold her mom back so they could close it and start the ceremony. . . anyhow... i really realize how much i miss her... and i was so angry that all the pictures of here weren't... accurate enough... tina was absolutely beautiful, and you couldn't tell it from the photos.... *sigh*

on a lighter, not so horrible note.... apparently the pictures are working... and the comments aren't and the links aren't... someday i'll figure out the design of this damn thing...



thoughts: school was hell today. bah, i'm in seventh hour, it's almost time to go. i have to go to tina's visitation tonight... i'm sort of dreading it. maybe i'm weird... *shrug* anyhow, i'm going to go, since the bell's gonna ring.



thoughts: ok, incredibly quick update before i'm forced to go to bed. ok, so yeah, erin's helping me update and make my blog look nice. and i'm just sort of here. i found out when the visitation and service and everything is.... but i'm still upset (duh). everyone on RML has been really helpful, so... yeah, i love RML. I can't sleep though... so it's difficult to be happy in person... but i'm being carefree talking to renata and everyone, which is a nice outlet... so i don't just totally sink into dwelling on it all. but, in reality, not sleeping is making me all paranoid and jumpy and shakey. but like, what's worse is that i'm sleeping in little bits... and having freaky nightmares that wake me up. ANYHOW. enough of that. i don't want to focus and dwell. so, yeah. erin made a new template, we love erin. yeah. i'll post something peppy tomorrow.

thoughts: erin's over, and we're trying to update stuff. wooooo.


feeling: a little better, still sort of shocked though.

wearing: jeans, flip flops and a pink t-shirt, i look like crap, but i don't care. and i went to like 10 graduation parties today.

on winamp: veronica, elvis costello

thoughts: so, yeah... i found out that tina was following mr. wunn (our speech and debate teacher at west) when she lost control of her car and went over the median right in front of a semi... and they had pictures of her car in the paper... and it's just crushed... which just makes me even more sad, because i keep thinking that like, she had to have the moment when she knew that she was going to crash... and if it was that bad of a wreck... just, ugh. i still don't know when the services are or anything, maybe scott knows.... i'll have to ask him. but yeah... i went to a bunch of graduation parties today, and it was scary... because i could tell almost everyone was in this weird state of depression... only pretending to be happy. yeah, i need to talk to ben, i haven't talked to him all weekend, i talked to his mom and dad and sister yesterday, and they all said they'd tell him i needed him, but he still hasn't called or anything. so yeah. so, uh, yeah. this sucks. like no other, someone from our school dies every year, and i feel horrible for saying this... but why did it have to be tina? why not someone else.... she was so smart... and had so much potential... why couldn't it have been some dumb ass.... god, this sucks.



feeling: awful

thoughts: my friend tina died in a car wreck today... i haven't been able to talk to anyone... and i'm sort of imploding. i'll be gone all day tomorrow and monday, at graduation parties. and i dunno what's going on the rest of the week. so, adieu.



feeling: sleepy. and OH so distressed, my car is dead *sobs*

wearing: same jeans, only now i have a tank top and my washington dc sweatshirt, and big thick warm socks.

thoughts: what i didn't mention last post is that i kicked andrea's ass playing candyland this morning!! yeeeeeess queen frostine! and haha andrea got plumpy AND mr. mint. yeah. so, my car is no longer working.... it's smoking... and making scary noises and leaking green stuff. i think it's antifreeze. or something. yeah. so, i have to finish this entry quick like, so i can call nic and be like "*sob sob sob* my car's dead! take me to school tomorrow??" yeah. andrea and i are having a candy land rematch tomorrow morning, and i'm gonna kick her ass!! (i love you andrea!!!) SO, i'm off to call nic. i hate calling him, especially after i've left voice mail. it distresses me.

feeling: eeh, today's the seniors' last day, so kinda sad.

wearing: my second favorite pair of jeans, ben's sexy shirt, and my rent sweatshirt. and my skechers. it's reeeeally cold though.

reading: bridget jones's diary, and take the cannoli

thoughts: well, i didn't update yesterday because i had an awful, horrible, AWFUL day. and i didn't want to be all angsty. emily's in the hospital, so we went to visit her, and my mom is like, flipping out and being pyscho, so i'm a little upset about both of those. we had a band concert last night, and it was reeeeally freaking long. seriously, wind ensemble's first song was twenty minutes long. then, i got home at almost eleven, and started writing sweet wonderful notes to all the seniors who i know who will be gone after today, and that took til one am, and i'm still not even done *sigh*. so, now i'm in the library, on a computer that's actually really fast (it's for school use only though... so i really shouldn't be blogging, because i'm supposed to only use it for like, research and shit.) it'll prolly censor this though. evil school computer system. i dunno how often i'll be online for the next two weeks, because my grandparents are coming, and my mom is flipping out, and my dad's mad at me.... so life sorta sucks. i really need to make up PE today, but i promised jane i'd go out to lunch with her, maybe i'll attempt to eat an entire pancheros burrito again... (i tried yesterday, and only managed to eat half of it.) OH, also, yesterday, at the mall, we saw the OSCAR MEYER WEINER MOBILE!! and got our pictures taken in front of it, before we went to the hospital to visit emily. jill's sister made us bring her cookies, but since she's there because of her stomach, she wasn't allowed to eat them :( so i made her a sign... and it's really pretty... well, sorta, i didn't have crayons, so i used eyeliner to draw on it. but it's ok. ANYhow, people i want to talk to just came into the library, so... bye.


feeling: ok.

wearing: my dark blue jean shorts and a sports bra. and flip flops.

thoughts: i have to clean my ENTIRE room by thursday, and i'm sad. it's reaaaaallly messy. and i just started to do my laundry. and it's all sort of piled around randomly. my desk is nice and clean though :) yay nice and clean! tomorrow's humpday!! woooo. today, i didn't do much, i was sick this morning, so i didn't go in to schoooool until noonish. good times, good times. well, not really, since i kinda felt like crap. but oh well. i gave aaron and eric rides home today (eric as in will's brother... awwww will's brother's cute!!) and, i didn't really do much else. i... went to pancheros with dan. and it was all good. aaaaaand now, i'm waiting for the laundry to finish. grreeeeat, now my mom's in here critisizing my room. and stuff in general. and ranting about how my laundry should be done. and it's not. which makes me a horrible person. bad me, bad. how dare i have wet laundry. it couldn't be because our dryer sucks... NOOOOO it's me. i'm keeping the clothes from drying. sheesh, i'm a horrible person, what was i thinking? aaaaaanyhow... yeah. there's supposed to be a final meeting for close up tomorrow (close up's the awwwwesome club i'm in. we went to the inauguration in january) but i think neuz is gonna cancel it because not enough people know about it. i hope we get to do it tomorrow. woo. ANYhow... i'm really bored, and tired, and i think i should go pretend to mess with the laundry. stupid laundry *hiss*. yeah, so i figure that no one reads this... but really , i don't know, since i haven't set up blog voices yet. even though erin told me how. i'm just lazy. you can all hate me for being lazy. once i set up the comments thing, any one who reads this MUST comment. so i can feel loved. and you should tell me if i'm being stupid and annoying. because otherwise, i don't know *shrug* anyhow, gooooodnight.



*my activities since the last post*

~i read my book for awhile
~i become bored with my book and play with winamp
~my dad comes over and tells me that allison's practicing piano, and i'm distracting her, allison makes faces at me
~i refrain from strangling her smug little neck, and enjoying it.
~i swivel in my chair
~i become hungry
~i wander off to the kitchen
~i steal a chunk of cold steak from last night and eat it
~my dad tells me not to eat the steak
~i sulk
~my dad makes me a steak sandwich, it's good
~my sister comes in and demands part of my sandwich
~i mention that she's already eaten
~i get yelled at for being mean and not sharing
~i frowl and hiss quietly to myself
~i come back and talk to matt, who's being somewhat nicer.
~i roll around in my chair
~i crash into the desk and hurt my knee
~the force of impact knocks my soda off the desk and into a basket
~i figure it was almost empty, and no one looks in that basket anyhow.
~wait for HOURS (well, minutes) for blogger to open
~sit and type this pointless long list
~stop typing
~sign my name

~hit post and publish.
feeling: suddenly awful. dunno why.

reading: bridget jones's diary. fun fun

on winamp: actually... *nsync ... it's gonna be me. *looks ashamed* but really only *some* of the play list is teenybopper crap, it's mostly rent bootleg mp3s!

wearing: same as last time, only now i have my red flip flops on. and without the hat. ben took it back.

thoughts: *SIGH* randomly sad *sob* dunno why. how odd. i kinda want to read the rentheads boards, but then again, that takes time. my mom's been yelling at me for tons of little things, and allison came in and said something rude to me... and my mom's like "use civil voices, or megan's getting kicked off the computer!!" and i'm like WTF?! i didn't even validate her stupid 9 year old brattiness with an answer, yet *i'm* getting yelled at? yeah, eat me, bitch. oh, erin said she'd teach me how to do the comments thing. *loves erin* we had to clean out our locker today. it was depressing, all the wonderful pictures aren't up anymore... and the only things that *are* up are magnets covering the writing that won't come off the door. renata's a btich. yes, a btich, it's not a typo. i really wish i were interesting. and i really wish i had an attention span that allowed me to write in complete thoughts. instead of "my sister sucks, i love erin, renata's a btich" *sigh* i realize it's hard to read this, since there are rarely breaks. and everything's one big uncapitalized paragraph, and i apologize. *apologizes* . . . yeah, so doran just said "eid kaerf" which, when unbackwardized, means 'die freak' which makes me wonder why the hell i even talk to him. nic would never be that mean. even if that's what he was thinking... he'd be sweet and polite. oh well. ben would prolly tell me i was being freaky, in a nice polite way. or in a way that was not horrible and mean. *shrug* i should make a list of all the people i know and decide who is worth being friends with. but then i'd be like kevin. but kevin's cool when he's not being horrible. damn kevin. oh well, maybe i'll just continue to cling to/hide behind ben. and fall in love with random boys i hardly know. *sigh* stupid boys *hisses at boys* *realizes this post has gotten all negative and angsty* damn.

is sick of being negative and angsty.
feeling: eh, ok... kind of headachy. and kind of dizzy. but it's ok.

wearing: skanky light blue jeans. my green rent shirt, and ben's sexy shirt. and ben's hat. and my tennis shoes.

thoughts: i'm at ben's house, in his crazy chair. i feel like it's trying to throw me on the floor. but, surely, ben's chair wouldn't do that to me. hrm... ben just put rockapella on winamp. *sings along . . . only, not really, because i don't want to ruin the greatness of rockapella by singing badly.* *hums* so, i did NOTHING today, because i've felt sick all day. i thought i was dying when i woke up this morning. i overslept, then i was like stumbling around my room in an attempt to get ready. then i had TWO pop tarts for breakfast. eeeew. and some milk, which wasn't as cold as it should have been. dude, ben's backspace key is just as hyperactive as emily's. i keep trying to delete one letter, and it deletes everything. and i get all upset. ben's showing me his new site layout. wooooo. we're gonna have to go back to school soon *sniffle* but i think ben's making pizza. at least, i assume that's what he's doing. he came down and told me that i should never *throw* a pizza in the oven, because it would fly everywhere and be crazy. so, i guess he's either making a pizza, or just throwing one around for the hell of it. DUDE i love rockapella's version of 'up on the roof' seriously... it's sooooooo good. hrm. i have my (ben's) hat on backwards, because i'm cool. or something. and DUDE, i figured out that blog is from weBLOG get it!? dude, you prolly already got it, and i'm just stupid and blonde. but it's ok. i'm still amused. i really wish i had something more to write about. alas... i don't *sniffle* well, i must go and excuse ben from some classes. toodle pip.



thoughts: so, i didn't figure that out. damn. i'm a moron. BUT you can e-mail me yeah, i'll ask erin to help me...

feeling: alright... not good, not bad.

on winamp: rockapella, don't tell me you do.

wearing: regular jeans... that are too big. and my black sailor moon shirt, and red flip flops. and a purple rugrats watch i got a burger king today

thoughts: only one update today :( unless i randomly update at like 11 or something. hrm. my left flip flop keeps falling off. stupid left flip flop. hrm.... it has come to my attention that there is no way for anyone to comment on anything. so, perhaps i will go remedy that. in fact, i'll do that now, and post again when i figure it out! so i'll update TWICE today! goooooooooo me. *frolicks* oh, renata and i discovered that we have been misleading the moronic teenyboppers. they all seem to think we're curtis... and *gasp* maybe we are! but then... we should be in cleveland now!! doing a show! ooooh no!! *yawns* so, i'm off.

like... magma. only not.
feeling: so sleepy. like, i should go to bed, but i have a random need to update.

on winamp: asshole world renown, stuart davis

wearing: same as before, only, with my beloved grey gap shirt.

thoughts: so, i'm exhausted... and i didnt' go do anything with nic, because nic's a skank (not really, i still love nic... he had to study. stupid school). so emily and casey and i went to pizza hut, and had pizza, and a cute guy said he liked my hair!! yaaaay. cute guys rule. i sound really ditzy and stupid... wait, i am really ditzy and stupid. damn. OH. at pizza hut, they were playing 'loser' by beck. i loooooove beck. i'd totally do him. (note: will says that i'd do anyone. will's a moron, don't listen to will) i'm cold. stupid coldness. my eyes hurt. i'm prolly going blind. i hate when that happens. it's late. wow. there's no one left online to talk to. everyone's abandoned me! *sob* i should get off my ass and figure out a layout for this. since right now it's like "hi, i'm a halfassed weblog. i suck" which reflects badly on me, making me seem like a sucky halfassed weblog. ah well. it's late, and i'm tired. so, fare thee well.

loook i spelled my name right! yaaay!


feeling: tired, i did the commedia dell'arte thing today, and it was fun.

on winamp: nothing! i'm at emily's house, waiting to call nic at ... i don't remember what time i was supposed call him. damn.

wearing: my favorite jeans! (i'm like, always wearing the same pair... but, they're SOOOOOO nice!! if you had these jeans you'd wear them all the time too!

thoughts: woooo i invaded emily's house. go me!! and i took over her computer! to update my website. yeah, i'm a nerd. but it's ok. ooooh i have cool hair! i crimped it for the thing... and sprayed in all this black and red stuff.... only it all got in my nose, and now my nose hurts, and is all multi colored on the inside (yeah, gross, TMI, i know). nothing very interesting's going on in my world... nick kanellis knocked me over at the commedia dell'arte thing, and i got all muddy... and it was sad *sob*. i had so much to say earlier... and iwas all excited to update, but now i can't remember any of it. stupid memory. ok, i went and looked at the line diaries site for awhile, in hopes of finding inspiration, to update. but, i failed, and am still uninspired and boring. shoot. it is 8:35. which means i have forty minutes until i have to call nic! (i remembered what time i was supposed to call) OOOOOOR i could go over and barge into his house and demand to go out. ooooh like mimi. i could sing and everything. i need blue sparkly pants for that to work though. and i should be spanish. and a drug addict. and nic should be writing one great song instead of doing calculus homework. ok, so that's not a good plan then. emily's computer just made a reeeeeally weird noise at me. i think it's plotting to kill me. if this post ends abruptly, i'm at emily's in the basement being maimed by her computer. send help soon. there's black hair dye all over my fingernails, it makes me look like a corpse, or like my hands are decaying or something. emily's backspace is really speedy. it just like deleted a whole sentence and confused me. bad backspace key. at least it's not like mine, which takes "backspace" literally and takes me back a website every time i hit it while online. stupid backspace key. *frowl*. i went off in search of inspiration again, and found ooooout that bonnie's toys and more sells sanrio! must tell erin! (she prolly already knows, she always knows the things i'm excited to tell her. damn her all knowningness.) i've been meaning to put some links here, but i haven't yet... maybe i'll do that nooooow!

chelsea's site
molly's site
grace's site
erin's site i love erin, go to her site! it's ten times better than mine! damn her for not sucking at html like me. stupid html *is bitter*

i'd put beau's site here, but i don't think he knows i have a site, and might be confused if i randomly linked to him. yeah. hrm, ooooh, random rhyming poetry courtesy of renata...

my hair is brown.
it makes me frown.
i should wear a crown.
all over the town.

i like this crayon.
my shoes are not rayon.
the crayon is blue.
so is my shoe.

look at the moose.
look at the goose.
they are over there.
up in the air.
up in the sky.
just like that guy.
maybe i should seek help.
ooh! flying kelp!

i like to eat cheese.
i put some in the deep freeze
when I was three years old.
it was cold.

this was a long and pointless post. brought to you by the letter R and the number 12.

yeah, i'm leaving it. i can't type. stupid keyboard.
feeling: tired, but mildy happy

on winamp: raspberry beret, prince

wearing: a white dress with red polka dots, a red gap shirt and red flip flops (i went to the salsa dance at school)

thoughts: i had fun at the salsa dance, and nic was there and he brought becca, who i hadn't seen in ages. so that was cool. and i danced with nic, he's an awful dancer, but he's cute, so it's ok. i love nic. damn, he'll prolly read this... oh well, nic i love you! yeah, i danced a lot, in my flip flops, and now my feet hurt. i borrowed my dress for tonight from rachel... and it ended up fitting really well and looking ok. i was happy. i had SO much here... and then aol died *hiss* and it all disappeared. and now all i can remember is... i danced, hung out with ben... erin and i went to the mall... uh... i bought a shirt at the gap (i used to hate the gap)... i forgot to buy my hairspray (damn)... but i got flip flops! oh! at the dance, ben randomly picked me up and was carrying me around.... and now all these skanky freshmen think we're going out. and skanky aric was screwing around in the parking lot, and hit devon, or devon hit him... *loves devon* i felt bad for her. stupid aric. aaaaand i can't remember anything else that happened, and my mom just came downstairs to yell at me for being awake... so i'm going to go to sleep. gooooodnight



thoughts: i'm still in the library (of doom). matt say's i'm weird. i'm crushed. chelsea has a cool hair tie. i'm SO bored. . . . .

I . . .
am tired
am bored
am hungry
have a sparkly note book
am in the library
wish i wasn't.
am in a good mood
feel like driving
don't have any gas :( or money :(
am not your complacent little princess
have chococat stickers
am going to go out with ben next hour
wish i was as cool as renata...
love elmo! *mwah*
think that liz is MUY skanky
dislike liz
am going to stop writing this! wooo!
wearing: my FAAAVORITE blue jeans, and my white sailor moon shirt, and my birks.

feeling: quite merry. much better than last night :)

thoughts: ok, so i hate that last night's entry was all negative. i'm sooooorry *looks sad* . ok, i slept until 7:45 this morning, only, really i got up at 6:30 and took a shower, then i went back to sleep for an hour. i always have the best dreams in the hour between my shower and getting up for school again. like, yesterday, i can't remember anything from it, except it was weird, but happy. today, i was like, in a rush line for rent, and there were all these people from the rentheads.com boards. and instead of being in front of a theatre, we were at a farm. and we all got on a bus and went to hot topic, only the airport gaurds wouldn't let us into the airport, and i guess hot topic was in the airport. eyeah. then my dad woke me up. i was SO happy that my favorite jeans were clean, but i couldn't find the shirt i wanted, eventually i gave up and settled on my sailor moon shirt. ok, so band this morning... sucked. we were on stage, because our final concert is coming up next week... andt the lights are all hung wrong (my fault, my attempt at smiting the band program) but then, like 8 of them were out! and jeff's the only one who can fix them! and he WON'T because he's skanky. i guess. our band sucks, it's laughable. seniors have less than a week left in school. yay seniors leaving! woo!

and now... i'm in the library, being harrassed by the library people. and matt's NOT working on his paper, he's looking at video game sites (tsk tsk tsk) i should tell the librarian, because he's on a computer that's for SCHOOL WORK ONLY! what a horrible person he is. i was kind of hoping he'd try to read this over my shoulder. but he didn't so it was waste of time. damn. sonya just came over, she said i have pretty hair *feels loved* and then she wondered away, and told chelsea she had pretty hair... i feel so used! *sob* well, not really. but that's not the point. jenny's not here, because she's at the drake relays in des moines because she's a crazy sports person... down with sports. there's really no one here that i want to talk to, so i'm prolonging the amount of time i'm spending on the blog (of doom). i discovered SO many people i know who have blogs. it's crazy. and all of them except erin's are as boring as mine. bah.



feeling: pissed off/angsty

thoughts: ok, so yeah... my mom is being a total psycho... she was all mad because she couldn't see if she had mail without getting online... then she broke the phone, and yelled at me... then, i went out to my car to get my purse, and she came running out yelling likie "where the hell do you think YOU'RE going?!" and since... i'm me... i responded with "settle down, i'm getting my purse, not running away. way to show that trust you were talking about" so now she's like "before you go to bed, you'd better turn off all the LIGHTS! *sounds threatening*" then was all mad when i was like "yeah, lights... turn them off... like ALWAYS" *sigh* i don't like my mom. seriously, i just don't like her personality. even when she's happy and nice, it's impossible to miss how two faced and phony she is. and, she's constantly mad because my friends all hate her. she thinks i'm telling them "ok, now be distant towards my mom" and doesn't understand that really, they don't like her because she's SCARY. "you must be *insert random name*!! megan talks about you ALL the time!" (i NEVER talk about my friends with my mom... ever...) " i'm roxanne, but you can call me roxie, or rox! do you hang out with megan much? are you in theatre? what grade are you in? how long have you had your license? do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? how long have you guys known eachother?" and this worries my friends... i'd be worried if someone's mom was like that to me... just sayin... and on top of all that, i'm realizing how much i ate today. which just sucks. i mean... ew... actually *had* breakfast, half a pop tart and milk... let jenny take me to wendy's and ate a jr. bacon cheeseburger and potato... and giant ass soda. not even diet. *and* i had starbucks at the mall... and grilled chicken tonight. i hate when i do that. i know i said that i don't worry about that anymore, but when i can just feel how much i've eaten, it makes me sick. guys can rant on and on about how i need to eat more, but bullshit, look at the girls they chose. all of them are as skinny as i am or skinnier. "i hate skinny girls! they look so bad" right, that's why you're totally in love with some underclassmen you've never talked to, but weighs 90 fucking pounds. yeah. so i'm done bitching, because no one wants to hear me whine.

angry. i hate how my rare manic swings are always ended within a few days. courtesy of my mother. or me overeating. damn.
reading: saaaaame, only i read part of a baby sitter's club book today.

on winamp: huey piano lewis, don't you just know it (the song from the end of snatch!!!)

wearing: my bottle rockets t-shirt, a pair of jeans that are WAY too big.

feeling: happy, i went to the mall with erin after school, AND i got chosen to do the commedia in the park at the festival thing at the shakespeare theatre!

thoughts: woooo! erin promised to help me make a cool template so my blog doesn't suck!! *dances merrily* AH! there's a big scary bug stuck in my keybooooooard!! ok, i blew him off, now he's by the scanner. *phew* ok, so everyone go visit erin's site, because it is BEYOND cool. OH! i got a bunch of chococat stickers today, and they are soooooo neat. erin and i are going to scan them and make them into icons! *is excited* at the mall, we spent a looooong time at mind matters looking at sanrio stuff. and then we went to starbucks, then we walked to the other end of the mall to get a map, and looked in hot topic and everywhere else, and i tried to stalk cute telephone boy, but he wasn't working. *sniffle* yeah, so i'll post later.



reading: same old, same old.

on winamp: matt caplan, wither, live.

wearing: same as last time, only the yoga pants have orange juice on them now.

feeling: sleepyish, hungry

thoughts: wooooooo! erin reported that mind matters (toy store in the mall) has CHOCOCAT STUFF!! . . . they have the chococat cell phone case!!!! *dances* and i'm gonna get the cellphone charger (i mean really, how could you even begin to live without the hello kitty light blue lighter phone charger?!) yeah. so it's lateish, and i'm bored. will went to bed, renata's working on websites... erin's being entertaining though. erin's my twin. since we're both valentine babies. and we share a locker... but we look nothing alike. it's ok though, because we're twins. twins don't have to worry about silly things like that. and i've been abusing comet cursors. i mean, dude, hello kitty, blink 182 (they're like... fisher price, my first punk band... but they're still kinda good), pokemon, NEON GENESIS EVANGELION!! and more! all in cursor form! what more could you ask for?! oh, random, but i totally meant to include "feeling" in all the other entries, but i guess i'm a moron (do i hear a chorus of "we knew that!"?) hey, validate renata's existance (and mine) Follow the Man has been updated! so has the line diaries page!! woo. *falls asleep* goodnight!

of doom!
reading: road to welville... AND if the river was whiskey. both TC boyle.

on winamp: stuart davis, only changing drugs.

wearing: black yoga pants (i changed for the workshop) the blue tank top, flip flops... well, only one, the other fell off.

thoughts: i had a hell of a time getting aol to work here at home. seriously, took forever. it was skanky. the mask workshop today was awesome. the guy that ran it was incredible. and i had a ton of fun. right after i finished typing my last entry, i was like "hrm, where's abi?" and she was right behind me. i felt silly. i haven't read any of my book today. i kind of want to read a little before i get distracted by something. OH! five or so of the people who participated in the mask workshop get to perform at a carnival thing on saturday... *hopes she gets to go to the carnival thingie* it'd be fun. i'm kinda sad that paulina, and patrick... and like, tons of the best people at the workshop, can't come. tim (who is like... the WORST actor ever... and the most annoying person in the world...think... incredibly scraggly greasey hair... wears sweatpants and a trenchcoat everywhere, smells bad, and is clingy) anyhow, i think he might get to go. yech. during the odyssey (last year's spring play) he hit me during a combat scene on opening night and sliced my ankle open... it sucked. yeah, so i'm gonna go and get a pepsi... or take a walk, or read... or... do something that doesn't involve the computer. i've spent too much time working on it today. even though most of that time was attempting to get it to work.... at least it's running now *dances*

reading: still on the road to welville, i left it at home today though. *sniffle*

on winamp: nothing, i'm in the library at school. i got blogger to work! woo!

wearing: grey pajama pants, blue tank top, grey kennedy center zip up sweatshirt, my blue skechers

thoughts: well, i somehow got the computer to work. go me. today i have a workshop in acting with masks. since like, you use you face when you act... it's harder to do it with masks, you have to use your entire body to convey the message. i'm hoping it will be interesting, it'll last from fourth hour on. (it's second hour right now) i don't have PE today, so next hour i'm going to run home and get my purse and pick up food for abi and me. we're going to have a picnic before the workshop. wooo picnic! no one's in here today... jenny ran off to call someone, kelly, jeffy and steve are over at their table, erin's in the band room working on her spanish project, janey's over at a far away computer... marie's here though. i had to save a computer for her, and it was hard, i kept having to shoo everyone away. ok, well, i'm bored, so i'm going to run home. or try to find abi, i dunno which.



reading: road to welville. it's getting more and more interesting... i'll have to watch the movie after i finish it...

on winamp: rachel sage, conversation (yay renata for making me listen to her!!)

feeling: hot. not as in sexy... but as in it's 89 degrees outside. kind of blah.

wearing: my rent baby t-shirt, my skanky jeans that i dont like, and my birks.

thoughts: so, the first installment of thoughts will be from school today, written during 7th hour economics. so, i spent 2nd hour in the library with the usual suspects (jenny, erin, amanda, kelly, matt, marie, jeffy, et al) i tried to get blogger to work on the schools computers, and failed *sob*. then i put ladybug stickers on matt for awhile... then i harrassed matt on instant messenger (now i have 20% warning. damn him.) and yeah. then, third hour, jenny and i hung out in brez's classroom, then i hung out with kevin, and had the first civil conversation i've had with him since like... last summer. kevin told me i should rob a bank, because no one would suspect a random blond theatre geek of bank robbery. i went out for lunch at panchero's with jane. then, there was an assembly fifth hour so aric (good aric. not bad skanky aric) and emily and andrea and i went to D&B and then super walmart and played with the video game demos. aric and i took the chiquita stickers off of the bananas. THEN i came back to school... and the power went out... a transformer exploded or something... so i drew pink flowers all over craig. fun times. then... i went to economics... and it was boring. the end!

so ended the school day... i went out to the parking lot (of doom) and searched for my car, found it, resisted the urge to ram bryan's car... and got in the NEVERENDING line to leave. then matt got in line and kept pushing my car, and i was horribly confused *sob* i drove like a maniac all the way home... and am now sitting in the study, typing this! who'd a thunk it, eh?



reading: The Road to Wellville, T.C. Boyle...i like it. it's funny, go check it out, yo!

on winamp:Pyscho Killer, The Talking Heads... while i like this song... i wish i had a stuart davis cover of it. he is so beyond cool... especially when singing pyscho killer.

feeling: kinda tired... i've been sleepy since like 8:30...

wearing: my coooooool dark blue jeans, and my black hardscrabble dance shirt. and a tommy hilfiger hat i won at party after prom.

thoughts: ok, so, i have no idea how to use blogger yet. funny, eh? but hey... it's all good. i'm megan, and this is my first post on my brand new blog!! *flourishes arms in direction of blog* yeah. i'm 17, a junior in highschool, and a theatregeek. i like rent (the musical, not the concept of paying to borrow or inhabit something...) and i especially like curtis cregan, an actor in rent. he plays gordon/the man. check out www.curtiscregan.com it's his OFFICIAL site, that just happens to be co-webmastered by me! i really don't do much though, renata's the brains behind the operation. so, once i figure out how this massively confusing system works... this blog will be as cool as cc.com. maybe. it's kind of late, and i should go to bed... but i'm not actually very tired. so, here goes some randomness, regarding people i know.

my best friend is ben, he's been there for me ever since we first started talking, way back at the beginning of sophomore year. we have a strange symbiotic relationship. my other best friends vary. i tend to switch friends quickly and frequently. i don't mean to... it just happens. ben's been my best friend longer than most people... see... i was best friends with emily and jill back in junior high, then, freshman year, i got to be friends with diana, and lecia. lecia was my best friend for a few months, then randomly... we started disliking eachother and drifted apart... then, jane was my best friend... but she has a really close boyfriend, and i kind of left her to her own devices... and throughout all that... freshman and sophomore year, dan was my bestfriend, in a weird, twisted way. then, i started dating bryan, sophomore year, and dan and i stopped talking entirely.

for the six months or so that i "dated" bryan (we were "together" longer than that... but it's fucked up...) i was essentially friends with bryan and his friends, and diana, and ben. and it was all good. then, we broke up, and i overreacted, and became bulimic.... that put quite a damper on my social life... i sort of balanced my life as working my ass off stage managing Oliver! for school, and being self abusive. when rent was in iowa city in october, i got to meet renata, someone i'd met online... and we totally hit it off and have been really good friends ever since. it's nice that she lives in illinois, so i can see her every month or so. we're going to san fran this summer :) yeah, she's really funny, and it's nice to be able to just be fun with her. bust still, since she wasn't always around, i really wasn't being fun at home at all. in january, i was down to 98 pounds, and realized that i was rather ill. so, i started strengthening friendships with people other than ben (who i clung to after bryan broke up with me) and went to washington for the inauguration (even though george bush is a skanky monkey) and i actually had fun, and made new friends... and was happy on and off... i turned seventeen on valentines day (and got lots of pink hearts and teddy bears and chocolate...) and since then, i've basically become the person who is typing this for NO reason whatsoever! woo.

so, i don't really care who reads this, and i dont really care what i write. so watch out. i think this first post was sort of necessary so that the rest of this will make sense. at least, i hope the rest of this will make sense. it's entirely possible that i'll be the only one to understand any of it... oh well. i'm going to mess with the set up for this awhile longer, perhaps i'll have it the way i want it by tomorrow. also, excuse the lack of capitalization, i hate the shift key with a passion.
