
i'm just having amusing im conversations tonight... i don't know what the deal is...

megan: i'll be your friend
bryan: yeah, but you don't play Dungeons and Dragons and stuff ; )
bryan: I'm such a nerd!
megan: yeah
bryan: and you ARE my friend, nerdmunch
bryan: hows your boy Rob?
megan: he's good
megan: don't call me a nerdmunch!
bryan: ?
bryan: why?
megan: he's been rockclimbing the weird rocky thingy at planet x lately
megan: why's he good?
bryan: no
bryan: nerdmunch
megan: or... why don't i want to be called a nerdmunch?
bryan: why not call you that?
megan: it's not very nice.
bryan: aw
bryan: sorry bunnytail
bryan: kittyfur
megan: aw jeeze.
bryan: what?
megan: *sigh*
bryan: no, you're a nerdmunch
megan: *siiigh*

followed by....

bryan: I can't stay excited
megan: ?
bryan: um, that sounds naughty, but what I mean is that I'm tired and I can't stay enthused about anything for long at the moment
bryan: so I'm being absent minded, I mean
bryan: : P
megan: heh, i didn't even think of it the "naughty" way until you mentioned it...
megan: but it's kind of funny now that you brought it up
megan: brought it up... haaaaha... bad pun.
bryan: yeah, I didn't either until you put the ?
bryan: . . .
bryan: I'll bring you up
bryan: nerdmunch

yeah. i noticed today that i haven't blogged since like... wednesday. whooops. i worked yesterday and today. yesterday some jerk in a yellow shirt tried to get me in trouble and yelled at me and made me cry. it's the last straw. i want to quit. or at least, get another job... and not work at panera on weekends. but really... i want to quit. i'll have to find someway to stay in touch with bethany and luke#1 and luke#2.... yeah.

i bought rockapella in concert... and the run lola run soundtrack. i LOVE that movie. it is EXCELLANT. or excellent. i can't decide. *jams with the run lola run soundtrack* ... the rockapella one makes me kind of sad sometimes, because ben used to play it all the time when i was sad. like... the song "don't tell me you do" (which isn't on this cd... but... uh, it's an example) it makes me cry, EVERY time i hear it, even if i'm happy when it comes on. uh... randomly sidetracked, but hey, what's new?

renata sent me a cool card. it has part of alice in wonderland on it... ("theres' no use in trying, one can't believe impossible things." it reminded me of brett... oh, speaking of brett, he came to panera today, and was like "i recognize you... hmmmm... *gasp* were you alice?!" and i was like "awww, you remembered! .... waaaaait a minute *looks at him...* ohmygod! you were the white queen!" yeah... i thought it was funny... this is a long parenthesesese..)

a quick addition to the notes about the stuart concert..... nic came and he rules. i love nic, he rocks my socks, AND my sushi stand. yup.

aaaah, i'm confused by blogging, maybe more later... prolly not.


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