
all of our making fun of ownx somehow let to this....

megan: call him, be like "hi, paul... patrick here, i e-mailed you, remember? ... no?... well... at anyrate, i want to talk to you about this confidential marketing relationship site of yours..."
patrick: Lol! "Now, I think we all agree confidential marketing is the way of the future. And at ownx.com, I can see that the future is own."
megan: the best way to spread the word is to keep it all secret.
megan: everyone knows that
patrick: Exactly. If ownx.com was just another marketing firm, would I have mentioned it to you? ... Well, probably. But that's hardly the point.
megan: the point is... *pause* well, i don't KNOW what the point is. but, regardless, i applaud ownx.com for their bold new approach!"
patrick: "And strongly hope they don't shotgun me."
megan: ownx is going to be bigger than the night jogging turban!
patrick: Lets not get carried away now. Hehe
megan: right, right. nothing will EVER be as popular as the night jogging turban.
patrick: Or even the vintage Elvis Turban, with built on sideburns. And I just made that one up!
megan: wow. i think we should just forget ownx and get the old turban company back together.
megan: that's where the real money is.
patrick: Yeah, but then again, why not combine the two? OWNx.com could provide "marketing" for newly released turbans.
megan: ooooh, e-mail them back and mention that!
megan: nevermind that, i'll just call him!
megan: but then again... is secrecy really the way to sell turbans?
patrick: Great idea! It's good to get a jump on something like that. I'm sure ownx.com marketing is in high demand these days.
megan: "turbanz.com highly confidential, go away before we get teh shot guns"
patrick: Well, secrecy (as in bootlegging) was the original turban. I mean it's sort of like coming full circle, if you will.
megan: wow... it's like the circle of life.
megan: only with turbans instead of lions and stuff
patrick: And no crazy know-it-all monkey! I HATE that know-it-all monkey!
patrick: I hope that monkey studies ownx.com a bit too carefully, if you know what I mean.
megan: lol
megan: i think i have a motto for us... "turbans. like the circle of life, only with turbans instead of lions, and without the crazy hippy psychic monkey"
patrick: Kind of sounds like a Quizno's commercial.
megan: i think a quiznos and turbans r us merger is needed
patrick: "Quizno's, we're like the guy who wore pants, instead of a bush."
patrick: Good call. Nothings says turbans like a good sub sandwich...er...something.
megan: "we're like the guy who bought a turban, instead of a crazy know-it-all monkey"
megan: "our oven roasted turbans..."
patrick: "Dove right into the untoasted turban."
megan: i can't believe someone didn't come up with this sooner!
patrick: Lucky for us! I got about $60 on me. Think that'll be enough to buy out Quizno's?
megan: prolly not...
megan: i have... *empties out pockets*
megan: $28
megan: but... i get paid on friday... so i'll have like, another $200 then.
megan: so, if we hold off til friday, we'll have $298 ... which seems like it ought to be enough to buy a quiznos...
patrick: Oh, hang on. I found a random metal object in my pocket. I think that was "deal breaker", as they say.
megan: if not... maybe we can hi-jack a quiznos.
patrick: Ah-ha. And when they see the genius of our plan, they're bound to hand over the company.
megan: hmmm you know, 200 + 60 + 28 doesn't equal 298
megan: maybe you should be in charge of the math from now on
patrick: Well, you have to take into account the random object. Heh
megan: right, right
megan: so, 200 + 60 + 28 + random object = 298.
megan: good.
megan: glad we got that cleared up
patrick: It's like that episode of South Park. "Step 1. Collect Underpants. Step 2. *long pause* Step 3. Profit."

Step 1. Turbans + Quizno's
Step 2. ???
Step 3. Profit!

by this time next week, i'll be rich from the turban and quiznos merger, just you watch.


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