
hey, i remembered to bring my notes of work home. but i left them in the car, and it's too cold to go out and get them. yeah, work sucked WAY more than usual today. some really bitchy people. gah. ok, to everyone out there who reads this, and may possibly be a jerk in restaurants, stores, etc.... the world does NOT revolve around you. whoever you deal with has prolly helped hundreds of people before you, surprisingly enough, you are NOT the most pertinent thing on their mind. so settle the fuck down, the world will NOT end if you have to wait five minutes for fresh coffee, you will survive. dear GOD! people are SUCH morons!! *cries*

rob and i might go to clinton on sunday *nod* i'd be like... meeting his family. eeeek. *is scared* what if they hate me? and are like "we hate you, go away! *ROWR*!" ...i'd cry. yeah, he came over after work tonight and watched my friends dvd with me (since i had such a bad day, i went and bought the newest "best of friends" dvd.) he's all moved into cory's and all is well. only like, i dont' know where cory's is (i've only been there once, and it was dark.) so i think rob is like... "yeeeah, i'm moving to cory's..... *runs away and hides*" *sigh* why does that ALWAYS happen??

on a completely random note....
"this will amuse a few of you, who i dont really talk to that much...
for the record, this morning while i was having sex, the urge to say "i love you" hit me. of course, i wouldnt do that under the current situation. it would be bad. so during the act, as a measure to resist saying that, i decided to fill my mind with whatever randomly came up first that was not related to my situation. so there i am, repeating, in my mind:

what is a frowl?


yeah, that was from lisa-marie. it made me laugh REALLY loud. i think i prolly woke people up. oooh nic gave my rent cd back today! yaaay! and that was related to what i was talking about, because sonic is a rent list (HA!) and yeah.

my back hurts, i have to get up early, and like, my mom is taking my car tomorrow and my dad's out of town, and i have TONS to do and need to be running around and stuff. so this all sucks. bah! i'm going to bed. oh, but something sheana said to me...

"dance for me? please? DANCE dammit! spin, you're nothing but a dreidle!"

oh god, which reminds me... at work, we have a wall that's all glass... and this guy walked into it. oh my god, i felt SO bad for him! like it made me want to cry. if it had been me, believe me, i would have started crying RIGHT there. dear god. he even left a face print from running into it, and everyone was laughing at him, and i seriously wanted to cry. it was weird. like, i was laughing at sheana because i thought she was going to pass out she was laughing so hard. so i hit her and was like "dear god! it's not funny, i feel SO sorry for him, i'm gonna cry!" which made her laugh harder. then, like twenty minutes later i hear her burst out laughing, and she's like "aaaah, i was just THINKING about it!" *sigh* it still makes me want to cry though. if i'd been in his place, i wouldn't have been able to laugh it off like he did... how embarrassing. aw. he was like.. the one nice customer all day. how sad.


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