
i feel so out of touch!

i haven't talked to anyone in AGES. though... i think i saved a blog entry offline a couple nights ago... *goes to look...* heey, so from thursday.... here's an entry.

wearing: pajama pants and my over the moon tank top (the blue one) and pink socks, and some rings... and, my rent hat. (i'm stylin!)
listening: to rob. i'm on the phone with him. thus, i'm typing this offline.

lets see.... today was fairly boring. i got two nosebleeds, which NEVER happens *ever*... and mr. dvorak like, called me to his office to tell me that i was sick yesterday, and i was like "uh, yes you're right... nice work there...." it was weird. he called me out of class, and i missed like 20 minutes... all so he could be like "i see this is excused." and i was like "again, you're right. your intellect dazzles me." brian (skanky) and i discussed how silly it is that dvorak calls you out of whatever class you missed, so you miss at least 20 more minutes of the class. brian actually pointed it out to dvorak, and apparently he didn't think it was a stupid plan at all, and yelled at brian. it makes me glad i didn't bring it up. yeah, i hate our administrators. they're scary and insane.

i ate lunch with heather, then again with abi (i only ate the first time with heather, i just sat with abi in ms. hamm's room). cory kept whining about how hungry he was, but he didn't want to get food, he just wanted to sit in the sun under the chalk board. abi had pizza, hamm had a salad... uh, does anyone care what we had to eat? i didn't think so. mooooving on.

after school i hung out with abi and nina and hamm and cory... and i got to see part of abi and nina's duo, then abi went to the dentist and nina and i went to the library, and the evil audio visual desk lady was mean to us... but i saved the day (only not really). then we went to mcdonalds and got sodas, then we came back to school, then i went home. THEN i went to staples and got a binder of doom for the upcoming show (if you go to west... AUDITION!! DOOOOO IT!) i'm not stage managing, but i'm .... teching. in many ways shapes and forms. kind of like i did with alice, only i'm not going to be the lead, thus i won't be all strung out and scary.

now i'm at home. and i'm really tired. i have a fever and my skin's like all dry and crackly. it's gross.

rob went to clinton today. he didn't tell me he was going until like the night before. aargh, the jerk. i'm talking to him on the phone, i think i already said that.


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