listening: MC Stuey D, kickin it live *acts all ghetto and cool*
wearing: jeans that are confused, but cute, a pink shirt and my kennedy center ballet sweat shirt
i have mail! *returns, looking sad* it was from 'hothornynympho69' she wanted to know where i've been, and if i wanted to 'cum see her new webcam pics, xoxo!!!!!!!' *Sigh* renata's got horny hobos, i've got horny nymphos... *sigh* won't you people just leave us alone!!!? you know, i LOVE that so many of my hits come from people looking for porn, and like, blogs about sex... "today, i had lots of sex. now i'm going to write about it." *sigh* no. sorry boys. (and girls)
my stomach hurts. ew.... which reminds me, ihave an incredibly gross story about doran. so, he's at target right? (i was at target getting this kickass thing for rob for valentines day, but that's another story) anyhow, he's eating a gobstopper, and he chokes on it. and is like really choking. he said he thinks it was stuck behind the little flap thing that is supposed to keep stuff from going down the wrong tube (it's called the epiglottis... random fact) and he couldn't swallow it or cough it out or anything... so he threw up all over the floor. eeeew. then he like, coughed one more time, and the gopstopper popped out. eeew. so gross, but such a funny story. very keeping with doran's personality.
i'm talking to my cousin patrick right now, we're making fun of it's lots of fun. i dont' talk to patrick enough. but he accused my blog of having hello kitties on it. i told him that hello kitties and chococats are VERY different things. sheesh, doesn't he know his sanrio? apparently not.
oh, chelle, i did notice that your link was wrong, and i mean to fix it. but personally i think you should just move to already, then i'll only have to fix it once. *nod*
i need a soda, so goodbye!
wearing: jeans that are confused, but cute, a pink shirt and my kennedy center ballet sweat shirt
i have mail! *returns, looking sad* it was from 'hothornynympho69' she wanted to know where i've been, and if i wanted to 'cum see her new webcam pics, xoxo!!!!!!!' *Sigh* renata's got horny hobos, i've got horny nymphos... *sigh* won't you people just leave us alone!!!? you know, i LOVE that so many of my hits come from people looking for porn, and like, blogs about sex... "today, i had lots of sex. now i'm going to write about it." *sigh* no. sorry boys. (and girls)
my stomach hurts. ew.... which reminds me, ihave an incredibly gross story about doran. so, he's at target right? (i was at target getting this kickass thing for rob for valentines day, but that's another story) anyhow, he's eating a gobstopper, and he chokes on it. and is like really choking. he said he thinks it was stuck behind the little flap thing that is supposed to keep stuff from going down the wrong tube (it's called the epiglottis... random fact) and he couldn't swallow it or cough it out or anything... so he threw up all over the floor. eeeew. then he like, coughed one more time, and the gopstopper popped out. eeew. so gross, but such a funny story. very keeping with doran's personality.
i'm talking to my cousin patrick right now, we're making fun of it's lots of fun. i dont' talk to patrick enough. but he accused my blog of having hello kitties on it. i told him that hello kitties and chococats are VERY different things. sheesh, doesn't he know his sanrio? apparently not.
oh, chelle, i did notice that your link was wrong, and i mean to fix it. but personally i think you should just move to already, then i'll only have to fix it once. *nod*
i need a soda, so goodbye!
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