me and erin's birthday party was last night. it was lots of fun. many video games were played, and let the records show that erin beat doug on street fighter like... 20 times. aaah, lots of people came, and i got lots of cool gifts... and yeah. heather left her purse there, so her and andrea came back to get it. then, we were cleaning up after they left, and found andrea's purse. it was funny hehe. we watched mystery science theatre 3000 the movie. and it was, as always, hilarious.
today i went to rehearsal for a little while, and it was wonderful to watch bruce working with everyone. it's so different than the way ms. hamm directs. he managed to tell everyone what they were doing wrong without making them feel bad, even if he had to like.. yell it at them. i dont' think hamm means to, but she can be mean to people. yeah. my foot's asleep. ah, my dad and i also went to prairie lights and mythos today. it was much fun. then i worked. then i went to rob's ... and now i'm at home, getting ready for bed. well, not really getting ready for bed, but blogging. yeah.
today i went to rehearsal for a little while, and it was wonderful to watch bruce working with everyone. it's so different than the way ms. hamm directs. he managed to tell everyone what they were doing wrong without making them feel bad, even if he had to like.. yell it at them. i dont' think hamm means to, but she can be mean to people. yeah. my foot's asleep. ah, my dad and i also went to prairie lights and mythos today. it was much fun. then i worked. then i went to rob's ... and now i'm at home, getting ready for bed. well, not really getting ready for bed, but blogging. yeah.
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