oookay! so, i updated some stuff (but alas, not the quotes. maybe if people commented on how much they *love* the quotes, i'd update more often...) however, big things are coming in the future. think green. yeah. as of now that's all i'm saying. and think... goodbye chococat *sniffle*. but... i promise, i will keep working to make this not suck in netscape. i promise. oh, and i know that everything's pretty ghetto and not very pretty right now, but just you wait a week or two, it will be cool, i promise.
people i go to school with... hey, notice that i haven't been there? if you *did* notice that i haven't been there, you get a negative cookie. (it's a good thing, really). i'll be back on thursday, i'm minorly ill, going to the doctors lots to get stuff checked out. e-mail me, or comment, or make me feel loved. c'mon! i'm sick, humor me. i'd explain what i'm sick with, but it's really gross, and involves blood being where one usually does not find random amounts of blood. anywho....
i promised renata that i would blog last night. then i didn't. i'm sorry ~_~
i have an eye appointment thing tomorrow... so in addition to being sick... i have to go to opthomology... or however you spell that. bah. i hate going to the hospital by myself. it's scary. so yeah, if i'm lucky i'll be able to drop by school in time for 6th or 7th hour... i hate school *so* much, but i miss everyone *sniffle*
the who's who is almost complete! minus pictures... but... those involve using the downstairs computer, which is currently possessed by satan. so, as soon as that get's cleared up, i'll get to work on the who's who. for now, i'm going to get to bed.... so, adieu
people i go to school with... hey, notice that i haven't been there? if you *did* notice that i haven't been there, you get a negative cookie. (it's a good thing, really). i'll be back on thursday, i'm minorly ill, going to the doctors lots to get stuff checked out. e-mail me, or comment, or make me feel loved. c'mon! i'm sick, humor me. i'd explain what i'm sick with, but it's really gross, and involves blood being where one usually does not find random amounts of blood. anywho....
i promised renata that i would blog last night. then i didn't. i'm sorry ~_~
i have an eye appointment thing tomorrow... so in addition to being sick... i have to go to opthomology... or however you spell that. bah. i hate going to the hospital by myself. it's scary. so yeah, if i'm lucky i'll be able to drop by school in time for 6th or 7th hour... i hate school *so* much, but i miss everyone *sniffle*
the who's who is almost complete! minus pictures... but... those involve using the downstairs computer, which is currently possessed by satan. so, as soon as that get's cleared up, i'll get to work on the who's who. for now, i'm going to get to bed.... so, adieu
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