Very cute, very pink, and very feminine. That's you.
Find your inner rubber ducky.
that's funny! renata's got the same one! only, i think it's actually kind of fitting for me...

Which My Little Pony Are You?
in case you can't read the text (it's tough to read...) "innocent & naive, you view the world through the eyes of a child. your shy sweetness is refreshing, but the idealistic reality you envision doesn't really exist. child, wake up and smell the glue factory!" ... oh dear god, wake up and smell the *glue* factory? that's TERRIBLE! aah!

Being Grace means that you're the type of person that always looks for the good in others even if there is no good.
Everytime you get into trouble, you pull your friends with you, just to make them part of the "fun".
With friends you'll make it, but alone you're just as scared as a 10 year old girl.
When it comes to discussions you're always right or, that is what you think.
yes, well i have work soon. (well, an hour and a half...) and i think i'm gonna go buy the sleeping beauty shirt at hot topic. i heart sleeping beauty, and on some levels, i heart hot topic (the fact that it's usually full of little wannabe goths and punks with their mothers frightens me.... also, the hardcore goths frighten me as well. get some sun and smile dammit!) anywho, i'm off. toodle pip!
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