Which Action Star Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
wooohoo. so i'm indiana jones! oooh hey, abi started a blog, it's fabby... only there's nothing there. so like... yeah. it'll be great sometime soon.
there's a stuart show in a little less than a month, may 12th to be precise. and, another stuart show less than a month after that. at arts fest down town. arts fest is june 6-9th, and stuart plays on saturday, the 8th. yay!
i just got REALLY distracted reading a catalogue to order one act plays... now mistah k is telling a story about almost dying in colorado in the snow. i'm like "dude, i've done that"... there's this stupid kid here. i dunno what his name is. he's in maybe... 10th grade. maybe 11th. only he's SOOOOO annoying. deeeear god. and he's wearing a camoflauge shirt with a wolf on it, and i'm like "what an ugly shirt. aaaanywho."
i took a test the other day and i discovered that i can type 60 words per minute, which is a lot faster than i thought i could type. anyone who talks to me on aim knows that i'm not very acurrate with my typing, i get all excited and type way the hell to fast and it all goes to hell. ok, so i'm gonna go now. yay for my first real blog entry in like three weeks!!
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