blogger looks so pretty on a mac. *sigh* i want a g4. they're sexy (i know *nina* agrees with me here...)
so, where the hell have i been?? i'm all not updating and such. i have both happy and angry rants about prom to post. but i'mm going to refrain from saying anything at all. maybe i'll just scan some pictures, and discuss the whole situation then.
i actually had so much to say when i got home from work last night, but i ended up having to write this friggin HUGE thing for ap english (ok, it wasn't really huge at all. it was just boring and crappy.) then i had to work on some other stuff for ap english as well... i gave my short story presentation today for AP and i think it went... ok. yeah.
but yeah, at work last night, i was like... working sandwich line and it was crazy and crazy. blaaah. and AND my pants broke *sob* i was like... pulling up my pants because they were way too big, and i was consistantly very close to losing them... so i was like "ooh, i'm just pull them up with these handy belt loops. so i did so... only i ripped the right belt loop off, and i was like "oh dammit all." then, twenty mintutes later (i typed "twenty miniatures later" three times before i got it right) i pulled them up with the left back belt loop and ripped that off. *sigh* lifes' so hard.
this morning ms. hamm told me that there was a guy in her freshman english class who thinks i'm ilke... the hottest girl in the school, and i was like "ooooh, how cute." and he just came in to hamm's room (where i am right now) and was like "hi... hamm... i uh... need to staple my paper..." and she was like "heeey, alex how're you doing?" and he's like "hehehe, gooood." it was cute. ok, i'mm bored. bye.
so, where the hell have i been?? i'm all not updating and such. i have both happy and angry rants about prom to post. but i'mm going to refrain from saying anything at all. maybe i'll just scan some pictures, and discuss the whole situation then.
i actually had so much to say when i got home from work last night, but i ended up having to write this friggin HUGE thing for ap english (ok, it wasn't really huge at all. it was just boring and crappy.) then i had to work on some other stuff for ap english as well... i gave my short story presentation today for AP and i think it went... ok. yeah.
but yeah, at work last night, i was like... working sandwich line and it was crazy and crazy. blaaah. and AND my pants broke *sob* i was like... pulling up my pants because they were way too big, and i was consistantly very close to losing them... so i was like "ooh, i'm just pull them up with these handy belt loops. so i did so... only i ripped the right belt loop off, and i was like "oh dammit all." then, twenty mintutes later (i typed "twenty miniatures later" three times before i got it right) i pulled them up with the left back belt loop and ripped that off. *sigh* lifes' so hard.
this morning ms. hamm told me that there was a guy in her freshman english class who thinks i'm ilke... the hottest girl in the school, and i was like "ooooh, how cute." and he just came in to hamm's room (where i am right now) and was like "hi... hamm... i uh... need to staple my paper..." and she was like "heeey, alex how're you doing?" and he's like "hehehe, gooood." it was cute. ok, i'mm bored. bye.
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