
*cries* no one can figure out this damn math thing. so, if anyone wants to comment... if they know how to make recursion equations into function formulas.... (see, core plus is stupid... so those aren't even the real terms to describe what it is i'm doing. bah.) *SIGH* I'll try to find keith and brian and dave in a few minutes.... and if they aren't any help, i'm going to have to go talk to ms. henke AGAIN during 6th hour (which is chemistry) i'm going to cry, i hate math so so so so much. *rawrs at math*

ok, i'm fine. hey, i just saw nic a few minutes ago. and i was just whining how i never see him. he was in the journalism room. i only talked to him for like... 2 minutes. but still, and least i know he still exists. *swivels in ms. hamm's nice swivelly chair* i went to sweets and treats today... yaaay candy. oh, and rob, i got your message, but i was already eating with heather, and i had stuff to do/people to meet back at school... and my battery was dying, so i didn't call back. sorry. *sigh* i wish you'd get off work early on days that i could actually come hang out with you during the time you're off. alas. oh well, just let me be for like... a week more, and then school will be over, and you can come back. *nod*
i have a coating of sugar in my mouth... it's kind of gross. like... it's a red cherry flavored coating from my lollipop. mmmmm cherry lollipop....

i'm gonna go... even though i dont' have anything to do right now... until i find keith. but keith went out... so i should prolly just go sit down by the band room and wait for him to come back. dammit all. after school today, i need to reclean part of my room, since it got messy when i took my desk apart... and put up my bookshelf and such. i like the new set up much much more though. it's just that i have a bunch of random stuff that i dont' know what to do with....

i'm gonna go wait for keith. it's either thundering right now... or the class room above me is moving desks around...


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