
guess who didn't throw up at all today!!! mee!! woooohoo!

but i still can't walk around without getting exhausted. i did laundry today (which NEEDED to be done, desperately. since i spend 100% of my nonexistant free time with rob, nothing ever gets done anymore.) and i was carrying the laundry down the stairs, and i'm like "la la la la..." and i get to the landing and i'm like "ok, far enough for now." so i left in there and went to lay down for awhile... then went back like... a half hour later and moved it the rest of the way to the laundry room. THEN after two loads of laundry (i need to do like... five. i have a lot of clothes...) the power went out. and i was like "well, damn." so, i sat in the kitchen and drank sprite with my dad by kerosene lantern light. while my sister wandered around being annoying.

speaking of my annoying sister.... she got rabbits today. for 4-H (it's like... a farm club? maybe? i dunno, she's showing rabbits at the county fair...) anywho, i got to name them. so, their names are..... Wesley, Nancy, aaaand.... Renata! (renata's the cute one.) well... they're all cute. but wesley and nancy are like... the same colors. and renata's black and white, and is constantly trying to escape. yup.

at any rate... tomorrow's the last day of riverfest! woo! i've been sick all weekend *sniffle* so i haven't been able to go. but it doesn't matter, because the bike races are tomorrow, and that's all that's important. riverfest is nothing compared to artsfest.... but still, it's fun, and traditional, and there's the little art fair thing... which is always neat... but... arts fest.... has stuart this year. wooohoo! and, like.... maybe three guys named ed. the best juggling trio ever. *nod*

ok, i'm sleepy, and it's late... and i forgot to take any of my meds. dammit all. now i have to go back downstairs and fight with the stupid childproof prescription bottles. *sigh*


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