hello all. i don't know if i mentioned, but erin invited me to the midnight screeening of spiderman tonight. i was very excited. however, some of you my notice that it's around 12:45, thus, i should be there. i am not, because i have the flu, this is the most sick i have been in years. i have been awake since 4am yesterday morning. at first, i threw up every hour on the hour. it was kind of weird. but since i wasn't eating anything, it was just water. and, i was bulimic for almost a year, so throwing up doesn't bother me so much. but the rest of this REALLY does. the whole, "i'd come downstairs and get myself some water, but i don't think i can walk down the stairs..." then, my parents were gone all day, and i was scared i was gonna die while they were gone.... then they got home, but left for my little sister's 4-H thing... so i worried i was gonna die again (it's that bad, i can't do anything, i'm going to get dehydrated and just pass out and no one wll find me *sniffle*) but rob came over and kept me company, despite my warnings that i had the plague, and he was going to catch it and it would ruin his weeekend. he's so sweet. nyaaah, i'm going to attempt sleep one more time. wish me luck.
About Me
- Name: megan
- Location: iowa city, iowa, United States
i'm afraid of fish and zombies.
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