
i just took my nail polish off. i have like... a little jar 'o nail polish remover. and it works so well. yay.

ok, let this be the official notice to everyone: STUART IS AT THE MILL ON SUNDAY. yeah, if you're surprised by this, you obviously dont' pay enough attention to me. so, everyone go. i'm getting tickets for me, and ben. and that's it. so, you all need to like... go buy tickets. i'm totally into getting tickets for people, the only problem is... i always end up paying a good $80 for people who are jerks and don't pay me. or pay be like... four dollars. so, the moral of the story is... go buy your stuart tickets. also, make sure you're attentive to your table and your name getting written in. because the last two shows, the mill has fucked everything up royally. i love the mill, i love the people at the mill... but there're maybe two people who are total boneheads and never record tickets sales right. i get pissed off when we pay nearly $40 for a table, and the people are like "uh, we have it down that you bought tickets, but we booked someone else to sit in the table we sold you tickets for. sorry.

ok, i'm calm. anywho. i'm pretty sure there're gonna be lotsa people there. so get there at 6 (i think it's 6?) when the doors open. otherwise you will end up sitting with all the angsty smokers in the corner, and you will only be able to see the light bouncing off or stuart's guitar and head. so. yes. go buy tickets. or, if you want to come, and are afraid of the mill, or don't know where it is or whatever, comment here or e-mail me, and i'll be nice and help you.l


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