
nyah. ok, maybe this will work. i notice that my four most recent posts weren't showing up on the page. so i was like .... wtf, and i came to look and see if i forgot to publish or something... but... no... only one of them is here. i hate you blogger. i hate you!!! *Sniffle* my template sucks, and my front page won't archive right, and blogger hates me *sob sob sob*. it really reaaaally pisses me off.

anywho, i worked today. we have all these new people. i don't think i like them. three of them are from west, one of them is cory's roommate (and only works during the day), and one of them is mysteriously never there. but the three from west.... james is cool... amy and whatshisname... nick? i dunno.... they're a wee bit annoying. oh well. i'm a wee bit annoying as well (understatement...)

has anyone ever noticed that santa is an anagram (is that the right word?) for satan? hm... "i'm going to leave satan some cookies" "let's go sit on satan's lap at the mall!" "what are YOU going to ask satan for christmas?" there's an entire david sedaris essay that touches on this... and it has made me want to become and elf at macy's. so i too can work for satan. i mean, santa.

i bought some NADS today. not like... the driving simulator, but like, the hair removal stuff. it's nice. like, you use it like you would use wax, but it doesn't hurt or burn or anything. i've had it before, but you used to have to order it off tv, but now other places have it. it's nice. kind of sticky and a little messy, but very nice. and it allows me to have smooth legs without cutting open veins with my razor. which is always a good thing.

tomorrow is wednesday. i have TONS of stuff to do by like... now. shit shit shit. i hate essays. i hate formal letters. raaaawr. *sigh* oh well. i work tomorrow. i HAAAATE working tuesday, wednesday, thursday. i'd prefer monday, tuesday, wednesday. i need to rework my schedule. but not now. because i'm going to bed. goooodnight.


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