
can i just make it clear to everyone that i called tim last night, JUST like we discussed? i was like "well, i work until 10 or 10:30. and he's like "call when you get off work" so i did, at 10:05. and i talked to his mom, who was very nice, but had no idea where he was. ...then i go to the movies with emily today, and tim's like "hey!! you didn't call me!!!" so i whipped out my phone, and was like "hmmm, recent calls? let's see, i called... TIM. at .... 10:05. and i talked to tim's mom for... one minute and fifty two seconds. yup." ok, just so that's clear.

tomorrow is saturday, and i'm have an impromtu gathering at mi casa. anyone who wants to come is invited.... so long as i like... know you. yeah, so, call me, or comment or email me, or something, but... sometime tomorrow evening... til late. yeah, it'll end up being just me and erin watching scream (i LOVE that movie) but, hey, you can come watch scream too if you like... but yeah, it'll be fun! i promise! come!

i bought a book for monologues for women, from contemporary works. since, i have grown to hate my classic monologues book *kills shakespeare* i mean REALLY, every damn play "a case of mistaken identity?!" "they JUST missed eachother?!" and i'm like *hits head against wall*. anywho. i also bought a smurfette shirt. i heart it.


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