halloo. ben's party was today. wooo ben. his puppy rocks. even though she's teething, so she's an evil little monster. for some reason... evil little monster made me think of nic. even though he's not an evil monster. *shrug* whatever. maybe it's that i saw nic at ben's... while the puppy was being a monster. yeah. after my appearence at the party, bryan and erin and i went to the mall and wandered around, and bryan bought me the BEST journal in the whole world. i'm so excited about it. it's like.... HUUUNDREDS of pages. all graph paper *is ecstatic* and... dude. i'm just.... SO excited. i can't even express it. thaaaaank you bryan ^________^ (see, big smile, really happy.) yeah. bryan and i talked a lot too. like, a conversation we should have had...like... a year and a half ago. but.... yeah.
so now i'm home. and i'm e-mailing rob (hi rob!) and i'm talking to LOTS of people (no one EVER ims me... what the hell. why is everyone talking to me?!) yeah.... i'm gonna go and wash my face with my super cool anti aging stuff (i'm getting little wrinkles by my eyes.... and being that i'm VAIN as all hell, i'm not going down without a fight. i'm fucking 18, i will not look old.) so.... yeah... wash my face, brush my hair. go to bed. because bryan's coming over to teach me how to play trivial pursuit tomorrow morning.
shit. i have laundry downstairs... oh well....... i'll get it tomorrow. i'm gonna go to bed now. yeah. sleepy. maybe i'll talk to some people awhile longer... but i'm gonna wash my face now... yeah. goodnight.
so now i'm home. and i'm e-mailing rob (hi rob!) and i'm talking to LOTS of people (no one EVER ims me... what the hell. why is everyone talking to me?!) yeah.... i'm gonna go and wash my face with my super cool anti aging stuff (i'm getting little wrinkles by my eyes.... and being that i'm VAIN as all hell, i'm not going down without a fight. i'm fucking 18, i will not look old.) so.... yeah... wash my face, brush my hair. go to bed. because bryan's coming over to teach me how to play trivial pursuit tomorrow morning.
shit. i have laundry downstairs... oh well....... i'll get it tomorrow. i'm gonna go to bed now. yeah. sleepy. maybe i'll talk to some people awhile longer... but i'm gonna wash my face now... yeah. goodnight.
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