
nyaaah. emily's sleeping, so i feel really bad being online and such. bu i also REALLY felt the need to update. i was all laying (lying?) in bed, trying to fall asleep, and all i could think about was blogging. i'm soooooo nerdy.

anywho, graduation was tonight. i would just like to say... if you are one of the morons who had a sign on your back, or air freshener on your tassle or any other stupid moronic "look at me" sort of thing... you're an idiot. yeah. you're self centered, and no one thought you were funny. they all thought that whatever it was you did was unclassy and stupid. well, i did at least. yeah, that's all.

sidenotes about graduation.... i ran up to zac, all excited "niiiic! *pause* uhh... zac...." *sigh* will i EVER learn?! ... bryan (yes, bryan rennekamp.) you were the only person i saw who looked damn good in his graduation gown. i don't know how you did it, but you looked all distinguished and educated. it made me feel all proud that at least a few people from our school know how to behave in public. ... aaaahm, there were lots of others, that i was thinking about while i was trying to sleep... but now i don't remember them.

we went to ground round afterwards, even though i didn't want to. and rob didn't eat anything... i think it was because he didn't like what he had last time he was there... so... he's never going to eat there again? i dunno. he said it was because he ate with his parents... but that had to have been like... five hours ago. and, he said that his roommate, (not cory, but tasha) thinks that i dont' like her! and i love tasha! she's so funny. and cool, and i feel like she's a way better person than i am, because she's all cool without being spazzy and material like me... and she gave me a whiteys gift certificate and card for graduation, which is SO nice. and i have ALWAYS liked her... and i feel bad for like... sending out dislike vibes... *sniffle*

lots of people didn't come to graduation. because they're too good for us. yeah. whatever. i sorta feel like it's lame to not participate even if you're in town and such... danley came. even though he graduated after first tri. *sigh* ok, i'm gonna check my rainbow brite mail... and then go to bed. because i can't check my real mail because your-site.com sucks ass. i really ought to e-mail them. but i can't, because i dont' ahve my e-mail address *frowls* ok, bed.

OH!!! my graduation party is 1-5 tomorrow. but i feel like no one's going to come, because i was bad about passing out invitiations, and there are tons of parties at the same time, and i'm pretty low on peoples' priorities... so, PLEASE come, anyone and everyone is invited, bring friends.... please, i'll feel so lonely if no one comes *sniffl sniffle*


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