ok, so midnight showing of 'the bourne identity' .... first... matt damon is fecking hot. second... DEAR GOD.... what a suspenseful movie. i'm still shaking and making little flaily gestures and stuttering and gasping everytime a car drives by, or the floor creaks... *deep breath* go see it. holy shit. i was like... on the edge of my seat, or preparing to jump under my seat and hide. and, franka portente (i think that's how it's spelled? anywho, lola from run lola run) is in it, and is incredible. i hated her hair in the last scene... but other than that... wow. and... just. wow, matt damon... *rawr* and... great movie.... and.... wow. i can't even begin to talk about my day... the movie just like.. blows work out of the water. even though work was really funny.... well, maybe i'll mention a *little* about work. angie was flipping out, as usual... kristen squirted mandarin orange syrupy juice stuff ALL over herself, funniest thing in the whole goddamn world. i was laughing SO hard. then, she tripped over a pan of water that was draining from the panini machine, and nearly flooded sandwich line... and jenny evans just turned around and goes "god kristen.. *pause* you're fired." good times. we did such a kick ass job closing... seriously, we should have been out at 9:30. but we had to stand around while angie pretended that she was important and managerly. but, nyeh, extra half hour on the clock, it's all good ... also, i gave seth my friday hours, because he asked for them... but then, today he called and was like "uh... will you work friday?" and i said yes, because i do need the money. this next paycheck has ... i think.... 39 hours on it (which is for two weeks... but... still.) and... i'll do a 4-10ish shift tomorrow... so... yeah, i get paid the friday that i go to KC... so i'll be all rich. wooo. ok. i'm going to bed.
About Me
- Name: megan
- Location: iowa city, iowa, United States
i'm afraid of fish and zombies.
Previous Posts
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- stuart show today... good times. i did merchandi...
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