
ooh, this is just for renata... i should just e-mail her.... but whatever. my mom says that we're leaving thursday, so we need a hotel for thursday night, friday night and saturday night. and it's all good if we all just get one room. aaaaah... yeah. so, e-mail me and we'll make reservations. CLOSE to the hotel, and *NICE* hotel otherwise my mom will freak out. also, how many shows? i don't really care about this cast, i'd be happy with two or three... and then we can just hang out. (this sounds weird... i don't really like this cast, so let's only spend $60 apiece on shows *nod*) ah, so yeah.... reservations and a time schedule type thing is neeeded. and, i bought your birthday present today ^_^ (Well... part of it. i already had part of it... but now i think i have all of it. yeah.) okie. for real, bed.


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