set list
kid mystic
fall awake
sugar bullets
nothing in between
savoring samsara
*new* i heard this song AGES (well.. maybe ... 6 months) ago... and it was unfinished. but, it's FAB. and i LOVE it. and i don't know the title. i need to e-mail stuart and ask for the title and lyrics. it had something about a girl... and a blue green disco ball. and it ruled.
*new* i *think* i've heard this??? i don't know WHY i think this. but... yeah "falling from the moon, rising from the.... " tune? tomb? something. it was hard to hear where i was sitting.
rockstars and models
once in a lifetime (talking heads)
infinity hymn
universe communion
atavistic viking
all just because
so, i sold merchandise. good time. only i was way on the side of the stage. but it was fun. sold about one full box of cds... and 15 shirts. good times. afterwards we all meandered over to the atlas. and fun was had by all. i even brought my mom along to the atlas, because she loves stuart. and wants to live vicariously through me... and because i wanted someone to pay for me. but yeah, we all just had salads... and some desserts... good times. i enjoy stuart VERY much. but, whenever he hugs me, i feel like i'm two feet tall. i never recall how freaking tall he is. on another note... it always astounds me when people are CERTAIN that the elvis costello songs and talking heads songs are stuart songs... crazy stuff. ok. i'm tired. and i've had kind of a sad/boring/draining/downer sort of night (my magna karma spins were "angst" "sparkling personality" and "dull existence" all of them managed to be true.) i looked fookin great, and i was in a chatty happy charming mood. but... was stuck in a dull existence. *shrug* maybe it's just pms. we shall see.
kid mystic
fall awake
sugar bullets
nothing in between
savoring samsara
*new* i heard this song AGES (well.. maybe ... 6 months) ago... and it was unfinished. but, it's FAB. and i LOVE it. and i don't know the title. i need to e-mail stuart and ask for the title and lyrics. it had something about a girl... and a blue green disco ball. and it ruled.
*new* i *think* i've heard this??? i don't know WHY i think this. but... yeah "falling from the moon, rising from the.... " tune? tomb? something. it was hard to hear where i was sitting.
rockstars and models
once in a lifetime (talking heads)
infinity hymn
universe communion
atavistic viking
all just because
so, i sold merchandise. good time. only i was way on the side of the stage. but it was fun. sold about one full box of cds... and 15 shirts. good times. afterwards we all meandered over to the atlas. and fun was had by all. i even brought my mom along to the atlas, because she loves stuart. and wants to live vicariously through me... and because i wanted someone to pay for me. but yeah, we all just had salads... and some desserts... good times. i enjoy stuart VERY much. but, whenever he hugs me, i feel like i'm two feet tall. i never recall how freaking tall he is. on another note... it always astounds me when people are CERTAIN that the elvis costello songs and talking heads songs are stuart songs... crazy stuff. ok. i'm tired. and i've had kind of a sad/boring/draining/downer sort of night (my magna karma spins were "angst" "sparkling personality" and "dull existence" all of them managed to be true.) i looked fookin great, and i was in a chatty happy charming mood. but... was stuck in a dull existence. *shrug* maybe it's just pms. we shall see.
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