Which monkey are you?
DUDEmanSWEET. i haven't said that in *long* time. but ... i wanted the monkey erin got... because it said "actions speak louder than words" which made me get out my tick tick boom cd. (kudos to those who know what i'm talking about!) but... i like this monkey waaaaaay better. i 'm going to write that on my panera hat. "i'll try being nicer if you try being smarter. heeheheeehe. speaking of panera, i burned the fuck out of my finger today. while trying to make a panini sandwich while arguing with this bitchy lady who wanted to sample EVERYTHING even after she had her meal. "i don't like my soup. can i try a different one?" "no. go to hell." ... anywho.
STUART.... is at arts fest this weekend. at 2:00 (2:30 according to some *craaaazy* schedules... but yeah, come at 2.) the word on the street is...... he's gonna have a band. i haven't seen stuart with a band ...in.... prolly two years. i'm SO excited. you should ALL come. everyone. even all my friends from like... illinois... and indiana... and new york *looks pointedly at kait*, aaaaaand yeah! and all you iowa city people.... you have NO excuse not to be there. it's free.... it's stuart.... just come.
i found my bikini top today. i've been looking for it for quite some time. i'm not sure how it got separated from the bottom... but i've wanted to go swimming twice this summer, and have not gone because i only have the bottom of my bathing suit (which is acceptable in all the *good* countries... but america.... iowa? no.) but now i have it. though.... it's a little odd... it's seriously made for people who have breasts in the shape of three sided pyramids.... i don't know anyone like that.... so i think the swimsuit company may have miscalculated the whole... appeal to the mass public thing.... *pause* i work tomorrow. 2-5. just because ryan needs to go hang out with his friends and see strippers and get drunk and stuff. he was scheduled 4-cl. and he asked me to work. and i said 'hell no.' so he switched with kristen.... and then asked me to work THAT shift (10-5) and i said no again... then today.... i was like "what time do you want to get off tomorrow?" and he said two.... so... i said i'd come in at two and finish the shift. because i'm a nice person *nod*
i'm sorta tired. but i'm gonna go read some blogs... talk to some people online... just generally be a nerd. *nod* i'll see y'all later.
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