
woooooo quotes!!

del: that guy's helmut makes him look like a penis
me: i think it makes him look like a nazi
del: hmmm, a nazi penis on a motorcycle...

"brass Arrrrrrrrrrrr-madillo. with and eye patch!"

"hey! there's a gift shop in the llama!"

"aaarrrr, i plundered the soda!"

"yeah, what about my enormolously large hat?!" (enormolous is now part of my everyday vocab ^_^)

"in my comp II class *pause* well, my comp II class for inbred chimps..."

del: i went the the mall, and there were four stores *gets distracted by finger*
renata: wow, what a small mall
del: aaaah, my pinkie malfunctions
renata: you pinkie made muffins?!
megan: she said her thinking malfunctions...
del: no.. my pinkie... it malfunctions

megan: *writing on wall of handicap ramp*
renata: Z!! for ZORRO!
megan: actually, i'ts an M. for MEGAN!

"hey! abdul's here!"

renata: remember the flash!!
del: like, remember the alamo.

"nose transfer!"

"free the kansas city two!!"

"i didn't know NATO made pizza ovens..."

"they aren't berries, they're rasp-conglomerates"

"while i was looking out my window naked.." (del fulfilled her life long dream of looking out the window of a highrise naked)

del: *ranting* APPARENTLY in kansas city, you can't buy water ANYWHERE and only handicapped people can use the drinking fountains!
random guy walking by: *burst out laughing*
del renata and megan: *hide heads in embarassment*

del: *imitating skanky ass tara* *fake drunk* daavid. i'll give you a *pause* *pulls quarter out of bra* QUARTER if you'll call out, and let curtis go on as mark *stumble*"
megan: *laughing* *as david* "who the hell's curtis?! get away from me skanky drunken tara! get away!"

renata: why are you afraid of centaurs?
del: i was bitten by a centaur as a child.

"del, let's be logical. if captain planet weren't there, where would the monkey have come from?"

megan: *wearing reid's FBI hat* look, dusty! i'm in the fbi!
dusty: yeah? what's it stand for?
megan: the federal bunnies of investigation, obviously.


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