
i feel better now. i ate some chocolate, and some toast (kyle and i are toast twins...) and before that, like RIGHT after i blogged, i was cleaning, and something made me mad, and it sent me over the edge and i threw stuff around for a good 10 minutes. so everything in my room is a little ... ravaged. but, i talked to dusty and henrie for along time, and they made me feel better. and kyle, because kyle made me laugh like eight different times. (kyle: "i wish you had a cam so i could see yours!" megan: "lol, out of context, that's SO bad") and i talked to kismet, who made me feel better. everyone's sooo nice. kismet was right, a lot of people love me, and i should always remember that. < / sappy moment >

i just got an e-mail from luke, first i was all happy, because i had mail, then i was even HAPPIER because it was from luke. but then i was sad because i missed seeing him on his last day... and because he's sad. and now dusty's sad because i'm sad. *sigh* luke said he'd stop by and see me on wednesday. which makes me a little happier. because he has a cd for me... and maybe we'll get to eat dinner together (we used to always eat together on break... even though the first time i asked to sit with him, he said no. and i sat with him anyways.) *sigh sigh sigh*

del and i are discussing commercials that we enjoy. and del imed ME. she never does that. i have to im her, and trick her into talk to me. i'm trying to get her to get her butt in motion and post some KC pics. i don't think i'll work though.


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