
laaaala. i'm listening to material girl. but it's the barenaked ladies. CRAZY. i wish it were madonna. i find that i'm more like madonna than the barenaked ladies. but.... it's still... a good song. yes.

today... we went to panera, then we went and watched "anatomy" at adam's house. and... ok, gretchen may have been slutty... but ARENT' WE ALL!? and hein... was a stupid fuck. I HATE HIM. he's a fecking evil emo, and i hate him and everything he stands for. *frowl* death to hein!! (actually... he died. but... still, turning gretchen into a display?! reaaaally, what the hell was he thinking.) aaah, then we went to rob's house. and i LOVE his mom. and all his random plants (they had as many plants as WE have. and our house is like... a jungle. i just heard that rob hates barenaked ladies... well rob, i HATE YOOOOOU. *ahem* aaaaaaanywho.

after rob's we went to trina's. trina is one of the most beautiful people i have EVER seen. like, i couldn't hang out around her for extended amounts of time, i'd go crazy and be like "I'M SOOOOOO UGLY" *throws self off of building* .... ANYwho. we played taboo. ("mark's mom wears one!" "SWEATER!" .... aaand... countless other HILARIOUS quotes. i enjoyed myself very much.) then, we went to the "golf field" as rob called it. i've never been on a golf course. there was a mini sandtrap next to where we were sitting. oh, we were there watching fireworks... not just sitting or something.... anywho....

then... stuff, and renata and i went to steak and shake. and it was GREAT. (renata would like to make it clear that it's "steak N shake" .... she's SUCH a loser. i mean... uh... hi renata who's sitting behind me reading this!! ^_^ ) yes. now, we're in her room, listening to barenaked ladies. and now... i'm leaving. GOOOOOOOOOOD bye!


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