
(to the tune of 'ch-ch-ch-chia!')... m-m-m-megan! seriously. i was sitting here in emily's basement, and i see my name typed... and that's the FIRST thing that pops into my head. then, i wanted to play mariokart, and i accidentally referred to it as chiakart. i don't know why i have chia on the brain.

dusty called me tonight, but i was like, getting ready to go to eli's so i was upstairs, and i hear all this "your phone's ringing!!!!" so i run down, and i see i have a missed call from dusty... and so i called him back, and we had a WONDERFUL conversation. easily the highlight of my night. and, dusty's friend told me to go to colorado springs with dusty in two weeks. i was like "uhh... i don't think i can?" but i wish. i need me some jessie. and some henrie. my little ear cuff guy thingy is named henry (with a y though...) random sidenote... whatever.

i'm waiting for my nails to dry. i really want to go to bed, being that i work at 10am tomorrow... and that's like... three hours earlier than i usually wake up. shiiiiiiit that's gonna suck. but i neeed money. like, i have four dollars. it sucks. i was gonna play pool, but then i painted my nails. that had nothing to do with the rest of this paragraph really... it's just that everyone is playing pool and i'm not. because my nails are wet. i REAAAAAALLY wish they were dry. i neeeeeed sleeeeep. maybe i could just stay up like... all the way through... it would be a 24 hours awake kind of deal... i got up at 3 today.... and i work 10-3 .... *ponders* i'll just have to be sure not to get too comfy tonight. otherwise there's no way i'll get up. i'm gonna skip the morning shower, because i took a looooooooooooooooong bubble bath after work tonight. last night. whatever. i'm seriously gonna sleep like...4-1am tomorrow. talk about fucking up my sleep schedule... or, i could stay awake til like... 8... then i'd be able to actually sleep a night. it mightnot be that bad, i mean, think of KC. that was a 27 hours awake... and, then like, an hour nap... then two more hours up... then like, a four hour nap. hmm maybe if i stay up and alert, take a shortish nap, and a HOT shower right before work... i could totally do it. YEEEAH! (to see how well this plan works.... come see me at work tomorrow at 10. haaa. )

i wish my nails would drrry!!


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