
i've been so busy i haven't blogged! aah! ok, since last time......

saturday night we went out for dinner to this woman's farm out by wellman. she's from france, and she used to be a culinary professor, and now she does private dinners. so like, she made four different kinds of pizza. all genuine french and italian. they were all so incredible, thin crust, very little cheese, very little toppings... but INCREDIBLE taste. if you ever go to europe, look at how much flavor is put in there food compared to here. it's so much LESS... but there's so much more flavor. major quality over quantity. and... dessert looked really good... but... oh, someone mis counted and we were two short. and being that there were lots of little kids and friends of my parents... i was lucky enough to be one of the two who was like "oh no, i relaly don't want any." though, stupid evil child who tortured the kitty all night chewed on his for like... five minutes before announcing he didn't like it. grr. this is the same kid who broke the greenhouse while we were there... and destroyed part of a pear tree. grr. (we were with a group of 14 people or so... like, friends of friends and such) alas. it was a sad end to the evening, and as childish and whiny as it may sound, it actually did ruin my night.

sunday. i WORKED! all day. first i went over to rob's for a pre work nap. (seriously, you may think i'ml ike "a nap. wink wink, nudge nudge" but... no, i really do just go over to his house so i can sleep in his comfy nice warm rob scented bed. with his fabulous yellow pillow.) work was crappy. i got there and this woman was bitching out one of the new girls over some pricing thing. and it was the lady being stupid, not melissa messing up. i made sure i told her that as soon as the customer left. i was like "you rang everything in exactly the way you should have, it was all right, that lady just doesn't know how to read/add." she's nice. i think she's a friend of seths. (i only say this because they both have clear creek amana shirts... so *shrug* they went to school together at least. and they seem to know eachother.) after work, we had a fabulous bread bash meeting. and i won a prize! (so did seth) we won microwave popcorn (woo.) and a five dollar blockbuster card. which i believe i will pass on to rob. since... the only time i go to block buster is with him. aaaaaaand... we got these dorky little "concept essence" cards. with like... panera's morals and golden rules and such. and doug referred to nelly as a bakery superstar, and i was TERRIBLY amused. and we made nelly pronouce her last name for us, because it's so pretty (she's from kenya? or... somewhere? i don't know why i say kenya, i just vaguely remember that... maybe it was belindah who was from kenya. *shrug*) and we tasted some of our new products, for the new celebration that starts on wed. woooo.

afterwards, a group of us realized we had NOTHING purchased for school starting. so we did some quick targeting. seth and rachel and i did a power shop for about twenty minutes. and we had a very indepth discussion about wide ruled vs. college ruled. binders and looseleaf vs. notebooks and folders... lined index cards vs. blank. good times. seth is all outfitted, and ready to try binders for the first time! yay seth. and we bought blank index cards for our grammar flash cards (seth doesn't know a THING about the english language, and he's trying to learn sign language... and it sin't working out so well. so i'm... making him flash cards)

then i drove home. had a nice long talk with dusty. good times. oh, dusty. i'll call you about this too... but just so i dont' forget... we need FOUR tickets for the seventh. oh, that reminds me, i got a drunken call from dusty last night. it woke me up. but we were both much more mellow than we have been in the past. because he was vegging on the balcony, and i was falling asleep standing up. i'm so stired now, but i stayed up late in order to talk to dusty, who ISN'T ONLINE YET. *grrrrr* i'm actually going to bed as soon as i finish typing/put top coat on my nails. yay. i'm off to bed... oh, yeah... and as of now... i'm getting stu cds for ben, amanda (maybe) and renata. amanda and ben are the only ones who owe me $$. yup. ok, i'm off, goooodnight


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