ok, so, i SAID i had a lot to blog, and i don't want to be a liar... so i'll start with yesterday... sunday (it's technically tuesday now... but... whatever.)
so, sunday, i work at noon. and i was all tired... but whatever. it was the first day that wasn't tax free... so i was hoping maybe it'd be all nice and not crazy. so i get there at noon, and i'm hanging out, talking to people... i'm in bakery with a new girl... who's not the brightest crayon in the box... but whatever. and ryan's there... only he's SO hungover... and like, still drunk. he was hilarious. like, he went to get a drink of water and knocked water cups EVERYWHERE. and he's standing making sandwiches and he's like "man, i'm so sick. i'm gonna puke. and if i puke, i'm not running to the bathroom, i'm gonna puke EVERYWHERE. then we'll have to close. yeah." and mike didn't show up... so he's fired... and stuff. so seth came in to help, and he's like, rummaging in his stuff, and he gets out a little bag of like... contact solution and deoderant etc etc... and i't like...one of those doctors bags, from fisher price... that like, little kids play with. it was SO cute. it was a little black fisher price doctors thing... i laughed so hard. i heart seth. so... work was CRAZY. there were people still trying to come in when we shut the gates. the second the clocks hit six, i went to each register and closed it. and was like "sorry, registers are down, we can't do anything. sucks to be you." then i put in madonna music, cuz i was SO sad and upset and stressed from the day, and ryan and seth are screwing around and using the mic's to turn the music off... and i yelled at them, and they fooled around... but they stopped. then josh comes out and starts doing it. and i FLIP out. i'm like "josh you are a fucking moron. it was kind of funny when seth and ryan did it... but then they stopped. there is NO call for you to come out and do it and act like you're the most hilarious person alive. you aren't funny and no one likes you, fuck off." so he starts acting like he's the shit and making fun of me... and i almost start crying... not because josh was effectively mean... but because i was so frusterated and angry and trying to keep myself from physically hurting him... so seth tells him to fuck off... and i go tell jan, and she comes out and yells at josh, and is like "i'm SO fucking glad this is your last night here!" yeah. oh, i got new shoes when i was on break. brown platform tennis shoes... with like... cordouroy... they ROCK. so i was all frolicking about in my new shoes when we were done closing, and seth snuck up behind me and put me in a head lock... and i was terribly confused... but then ryan was like "hey, we're gonna be late" so seth let me go, and left. and i took jenny home, then i went home, and showered and changed,then i went back to the mall (target actually, since the mall was closed) and met up with jenny and jessica... then we all ran into zak and everyone, who we were going to the movie wiht... so we all went over to the theatres and got our ticket and got popcorn, and went and sat down... we were like.. the second people there... but it nearly osld out... it was soooo full. yeah, we went to see 'signs' btw. jessica and i were througouhly freaked out. like we held onto eachother the entire movie. jenny didn't get scared though. and i dont' think any of the boys did. i was TERRIFIED soooo many times.... it was reeeeally funny too though. like.. oh my god. i laughed so hard. so, after that we all went to zak's... oh! i saw tyler corbett in the parking lot after the movie. i love him! (tyler is the older brother of my bestfriend from kindergarten to about 9th grade. so, i've known him for a loooooong time. awww tylie.) yeah, zak's house... goodtimes.
today.. i worked. the high point of working was when i completely bitched out three girls. they were all dressed up to go malling. and ordered ic drinks. and like... there weren't any grande cups... so jessica made them all largo. because... there wasn't anything else to do. so, one of them bought a largo, and the other two had grandes, adn they each had a different kind (which is a bitch, cuz you have to make them all separate, adn do all this cleaning inbetween... it takes forever...) so, when they get them, she starts bitching about how she paid forty cents extra... so she should get more, and it's not fair. and i was like "there are two things i can do, i can either make you an extra smaller cup of ic stuff, or i can have a manager give you a refund. and she won't say ANYTHING except "i'm so upset about this!" and finally i'm like "LOOK. THERE ARE TWO OPTIONS..." and she starts bitching again and i'm like "fuck it. i'll get a manager, so you can get your goddamn forty cent refund." AND, she paid on a credit card... so... shit.. but when jennie does the refund, she doesn't tell her she paid with a credit card, so she gets cash back... which fucks up stuff for EVERYTHING. i swear to god... grr. i seriously bitched at them. and they were all going on about me while i was getting jenny, and i could hear them, there liek "man, she so needs to like, drop her attitude" etc etc. so i was in back, and i start telling luke m. about them, all loud "there's these three chubby fake baked bitches... look out there, you'll see them, the "faded" jeans, black shirts, big necklaces... nasty hair? see them?" and lukes liek "oh yeah, i see them." and luke's fairly hot. so it made me happy... yeah
ok. the end. i'm tired of blogging. kyle!! i heart you!!
so, sunday, i work at noon. and i was all tired... but whatever. it was the first day that wasn't tax free... so i was hoping maybe it'd be all nice and not crazy. so i get there at noon, and i'm hanging out, talking to people... i'm in bakery with a new girl... who's not the brightest crayon in the box... but whatever. and ryan's there... only he's SO hungover... and like, still drunk. he was hilarious. like, he went to get a drink of water and knocked water cups EVERYWHERE. and he's standing making sandwiches and he's like "man, i'm so sick. i'm gonna puke. and if i puke, i'm not running to the bathroom, i'm gonna puke EVERYWHERE. then we'll have to close. yeah." and mike didn't show up... so he's fired... and stuff. so seth came in to help, and he's like, rummaging in his stuff, and he gets out a little bag of like... contact solution and deoderant etc etc... and i't like...one of those doctors bags, from fisher price... that like, little kids play with. it was SO cute. it was a little black fisher price doctors thing... i laughed so hard. i heart seth. so... work was CRAZY. there were people still trying to come in when we shut the gates. the second the clocks hit six, i went to each register and closed it. and was like "sorry, registers are down, we can't do anything. sucks to be you." then i put in madonna music, cuz i was SO sad and upset and stressed from the day, and ryan and seth are screwing around and using the mic's to turn the music off... and i yelled at them, and they fooled around... but they stopped. then josh comes out and starts doing it. and i FLIP out. i'm like "josh you are a fucking moron. it was kind of funny when seth and ryan did it... but then they stopped. there is NO call for you to come out and do it and act like you're the most hilarious person alive. you aren't funny and no one likes you, fuck off." so he starts acting like he's the shit and making fun of me... and i almost start crying... not because josh was effectively mean... but because i was so frusterated and angry and trying to keep myself from physically hurting him... so seth tells him to fuck off... and i go tell jan, and she comes out and yells at josh, and is like "i'm SO fucking glad this is your last night here!" yeah. oh, i got new shoes when i was on break. brown platform tennis shoes... with like... cordouroy... they ROCK. so i was all frolicking about in my new shoes when we were done closing, and seth snuck up behind me and put me in a head lock... and i was terribly confused... but then ryan was like "hey, we're gonna be late" so seth let me go, and left. and i took jenny home, then i went home, and showered and changed,then i went back to the mall (target actually, since the mall was closed) and met up with jenny and jessica... then we all ran into zak and everyone, who we were going to the movie wiht... so we all went over to the theatres and got our ticket and got popcorn, and went and sat down... we were like.. the second people there... but it nearly osld out... it was soooo full. yeah, we went to see 'signs' btw. jessica and i were througouhly freaked out. like we held onto eachother the entire movie. jenny didn't get scared though. and i dont' think any of the boys did. i was TERRIFIED soooo many times.... it was reeeeally funny too though. like.. oh my god. i laughed so hard. so, after that we all went to zak's... oh! i saw tyler corbett in the parking lot after the movie. i love him! (tyler is the older brother of my bestfriend from kindergarten to about 9th grade. so, i've known him for a loooooong time. awww tylie.) yeah, zak's house... goodtimes.
today.. i worked. the high point of working was when i completely bitched out three girls. they were all dressed up to go malling. and ordered ic drinks. and like... there weren't any grande cups... so jessica made them all largo. because... there wasn't anything else to do. so, one of them bought a largo, and the other two had grandes, adn they each had a different kind (which is a bitch, cuz you have to make them all separate, adn do all this cleaning inbetween... it takes forever...) so, when they get them, she starts bitching about how she paid forty cents extra... so she should get more, and it's not fair. and i was like "there are two things i can do, i can either make you an extra smaller cup of ic stuff, or i can have a manager give you a refund. and she won't say ANYTHING except "i'm so upset about this!" and finally i'm like "LOOK. THERE ARE TWO OPTIONS..." and she starts bitching again and i'm like "fuck it. i'll get a manager, so you can get your goddamn forty cent refund." AND, she paid on a credit card... so... shit.. but when jennie does the refund, she doesn't tell her she paid with a credit card, so she gets cash back... which fucks up stuff for EVERYTHING. i swear to god... grr. i seriously bitched at them. and they were all going on about me while i was getting jenny, and i could hear them, there liek "man, she so needs to like, drop her attitude" etc etc. so i was in back, and i start telling luke m. about them, all loud "there's these three chubby fake baked bitches... look out there, you'll see them, the "faded" jeans, black shirts, big necklaces... nasty hair? see them?" and lukes liek "oh yeah, i see them." and luke's fairly hot. so it made me happy... yeah
ok. the end. i'm tired of blogging. kyle!! i heart you!!
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