
since last post: entire giant bag of doritos.

the movie was actually quite good. they were drinking absinthe at the beginning, and i applauded my cleverness in noticing it. aaah, let's see. i actually really enjoyed it. it was exciting, and vin diesel looks like.... a really bad ass buff stuart. (not that you aren't bad ass and buff, stu... but... vin diesel's a little more so.) so, i kept amusing myself being like "oh no! stuart had better machine gun down all those guys.... and such." but, i don't think realstuart could ever be all "must kill zillions of people now." yeah... there was a part when vin diesel was like... crying because he was all sad... and it was like... not tacky. it actually made me sad. so congrats on the good acting. it was fun. really. there were parts that were insanely corny... like, american flag parachute... and... stuff. and samuel l. jackson's scar looked totally fake... but, aside from all the terrible hoakyness... it was fun. and lots of explosions... and lots of hotvindiesel (yay shaved heads! even thouhg, like, you could TOTALLY see where he was really bald and where it was just shaved.) hm. if tim were to be really bad ass... he could be sorta like vin diesel too. but, more in the dopeyness aspect, and slow to answer... and just overall a little stupid... that aspect. if that made sense.

fun was had by all in the time before the movie. thomas was going to make out with me and erin... but then he didn't. and we had good times. apparently thomas and nate had plans to make out during the movie.... but... then thomas was gonna make out with US instead... but... stuff. yeah. amusing. oh, one line in the movie.... "bitches, come!" as the big head honcho guy brings in all the prostitutey girls... and thomas was like "that would RULE!" and i'm like "OH, i see how it is... erin and i aren't good enough anymore, FINE!" goodtimes.

i needed today, i had fun. work was fun, ryan and everyone was nice to me because they knew how sad i was... and ryan caught 44 flies. then he put them all through the dishwasher.... and only one survived. so he let that one go. yeah. the end. i need to sleep. erin's here now, she's spending the night... did i already mention that? huh? oh well.


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