yeaaah, so i didnt' go to bed. alas. i am now though. actually i'm gonna read. wooo bill bryson. i heart bill bryson.
i also heart stuart. his e-mails always make me smile. and for some reason they always inspire me to write a novel in response. seriously. stuart says "hi" and i respond with 18 pages of prose. it's crazy. might be helpful if i could fine tune it... and churn out research papers. dude, if stu asked me the essay question... i bet i'd just like... write the paper right then and there. that would rock, i'll have to talk to him about that. speaking of stu, one of my crazy relatives told me the other day that he used to tell my senile aunt that i was the messiah. like, when i was 7 or 8. which made me think of stu and his whole "the second coming will be in the form of a girl." (aka human girl, sexy messiah, etc.) hey, go to dream usher (under neeeeato in links or in my info on aim) and read the fabby interview. lalala.
i just found a journal from last summer. whenever i re-read stuff that i've written, i find myself HILARIOUS. like, my blog makes me laugh out loud when i read the archives. it confuses me so much, i'm like "what the helll?!! i don't talk like that, i'm not that witty!" alas.
random, and old news... but i'll just put this out there in case there's anyone who lives under a rock... but joey fatone (aka the member of nsync who's face is scratched out on all my cards and posters etc... he's also the one in the crazy futuristic warrior getup in the pictures on my folders from last year.... anywho.) is playing/will be playing mark. in rent. on broadway.... though, i watched a little video... and it looked like it might be ok. maybe this will actually be cool, and it will make me regret talking shit about him for so long.... *shrug* we shall see.
omg, i just found quotes in this old notebook... they're from maybe six monthes ago.... lol.
"oh dear god, you are laughing so hard that you are simeltaneously barking and snorting"
~heather... i think she was referrring to me.~
"all we want in life is to get head. *pause* a head.. to get ahead. doh."
~someone in AP english~
"i wonder what rosie o'donnell would be like on a date... i just had this image of her sitting across the table from me, in a nice restaurant, and flinging kooshe balls at me..."
~mistah k~
"it's long and limp"
~patrick r. in refference to something at the java house...~
"*reading from cosmo* this tall threat.... treat. tall treat. this tall treat is the least threatening..."
random person #1: he was a bigot, a racist... what else?
RP #2: sexist.
RP #1: yes.
RP #3: was he ugly?
RP #1: prolly.
~i have no idea... but i'm pretty sure #1 was a teacher.~
hamm: *interupts self in middle of lecture* raleigh, i want you to grow up right now, so you can marry my daughter. god, you'd have such beautiful children...
mistah k: this WILL be on the test.
ms. VZ: it took us nearly two hours, but we DID manage to get into his house.
amos: so, you broke into william faulkner's house?
~discussing how long she waited in line to see william faulkner's old house... or something...~
danielle: did sherwin williams use this device in the poem we read yesterday?
ms. VZ: sherwin williams? ... OH sherwood.. sherwood anderson. yes.
ms. VZ: another example of hyperbole "when the salmon sing in the streets" now, when is this gonna happen!?
student : never. *nods and takes notes*
shobha (@same time as student): thursday.
"here's you're motivation. your duck has just eaten your last piece of cheese...."
~ben s. in acting and movement~
"GUYS!! quiet down! or, or... i'll come over there!! and... and... i'll come over there and... shake you!"
~mistah k~
"my shoe's untied! *pause* well, that's unacceptable."
~mistah k~
"revenge is the new pink!!"
~shobha, ap english~
me: my hat says "MEGAN RULES!"
luke: my hat says "luke y is a bitch." hmm.
"luke y. rocks my bread world!"
"if you hit john f. kennedy, you've gone too far."
~actually, directions how to get somwhere...there's a jfk ave, apparently~
"they were de-railed by a ground hog."
"holy ghost credit union.... drink pepsi!"
~an actual sign for an actual credit union in dubuque or somehwere.~
i also heart stuart. his e-mails always make me smile. and for some reason they always inspire me to write a novel in response. seriously. stuart says "hi" and i respond with 18 pages of prose. it's crazy. might be helpful if i could fine tune it... and churn out research papers. dude, if stu asked me the essay question... i bet i'd just like... write the paper right then and there. that would rock, i'll have to talk to him about that. speaking of stu, one of my crazy relatives told me the other day that he used to tell my senile aunt that i was the messiah. like, when i was 7 or 8. which made me think of stu and his whole "the second coming will be in the form of a girl." (aka human girl, sexy messiah, etc.) hey, go to dream usher (under neeeeato in links or in my info on aim) and read the fabby interview. lalala.
i just found a journal from last summer. whenever i re-read stuff that i've written, i find myself HILARIOUS. like, my blog makes me laugh out loud when i read the archives. it confuses me so much, i'm like "what the helll?!! i don't talk like that, i'm not that witty!" alas.
random, and old news... but i'll just put this out there in case there's anyone who lives under a rock... but joey fatone (aka the member of nsync who's face is scratched out on all my cards and posters etc... he's also the one in the crazy futuristic warrior getup in the pictures on my folders from last year.... anywho.) is playing/will be playing mark. in rent. on broadway.... though, i watched a little video... and it looked like it might be ok. maybe this will actually be cool, and it will make me regret talking shit about him for so long.... *shrug* we shall see.
omg, i just found quotes in this old notebook... they're from maybe six monthes ago.... lol.
"oh dear god, you are laughing so hard that you are simeltaneously barking and snorting"
~heather... i think she was referrring to me.~
"all we want in life is to get head. *pause* a head.. to get ahead. doh."
~someone in AP english~
"i wonder what rosie o'donnell would be like on a date... i just had this image of her sitting across the table from me, in a nice restaurant, and flinging kooshe balls at me..."
~mistah k~
"it's long and limp"
~patrick r. in refference to something at the java house...~
"*reading from cosmo* this tall threat.... treat. tall treat. this tall treat is the least threatening..."
random person #1: he was a bigot, a racist... what else?
RP #2: sexist.
RP #1: yes.
RP #3: was he ugly?
RP #1: prolly.
~i have no idea... but i'm pretty sure #1 was a teacher.~
hamm: *interupts self in middle of lecture* raleigh, i want you to grow up right now, so you can marry my daughter. god, you'd have such beautiful children...
mistah k: this WILL be on the test.
ms. VZ: it took us nearly two hours, but we DID manage to get into his house.
amos: so, you broke into william faulkner's house?
~discussing how long she waited in line to see william faulkner's old house... or something...~
danielle: did sherwin williams use this device in the poem we read yesterday?
ms. VZ: sherwin williams? ... OH sherwood.. sherwood anderson. yes.
ms. VZ: another example of hyperbole "when the salmon sing in the streets" now, when is this gonna happen!?
student : never. *nods and takes notes*
shobha (@same time as student): thursday.
"here's you're motivation. your duck has just eaten your last piece of cheese...."
~ben s. in acting and movement~
"GUYS!! quiet down! or, or... i'll come over there!! and... and... i'll come over there and... shake you!"
~mistah k~
"my shoe's untied! *pause* well, that's unacceptable."
~mistah k~
"revenge is the new pink!!"
~shobha, ap english~
me: my hat says "MEGAN RULES!"
luke: my hat says "luke y is a bitch." hmm.
"luke y. rocks my bread world!"
"if you hit john f. kennedy, you've gone too far."
~actually, directions how to get somwhere...there's a jfk ave, apparently~
"they were de-railed by a ground hog."
"holy ghost credit union.... drink pepsi!"
~an actual sign for an actual credit union in dubuque or somehwere.~
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