
ah. rob, last time you called my house was the 20th. so, if you're calling and calling and calling and no one's answering.... problem's on your end.

i lost my fucking watch today. but i found it. but it had been run over. and now i'm crying. because i can never keep anything nice. i'm so irresponsible, and that's why my dad didn't want to buy me a nice watch for my birthday, because i'd just lose it. just like i lost my phone, and my ring, and my coat, and anything else of value that i own. i'm so disorganized, and irresponsible, and vain, and petty, and stupid, and i could really go on for hours. i'm so upset. i was pissed when i lost my phone, but this is seriously too much. why do i always have to be such a fuck up when it comes to this kind of thing? goddammit.


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