
first renata, get the hell out of my heating ducts! ^_~ and, why were your parents like "megan's in a show! will it suck?" i feel sad. there's a lady who's involved with the show who TOTALLY reminds me of your mom. she's my pseudo-susan. and, isn't it "knock three times on the pipe if the answer is no"? so, are you rejecting me renata? (anyone who totally doesn't get that, read the comments for the last post. and comment yourself while you're there!)

kismet, my pet, they aren't extending the show. *sniffle* so, sadness ensues. you can all come sans mister davis (that makes me laugh. calling stu "mister davis" seriously made me giggle out loud.) aaaaah, i'll post it here when tickets go on sale.

dude, does everyone know rob's roomate james? no, none of you do. ha. well, he has a kick ass website, and i dont' remember the address. but i gave him THIS addresss. so, james, my pet, would you comment and tell me your site addy? puhleeeease?

so, uh, enough talking to specific people. today, let's see. theatre craft, which i was actually on time to (yeah!) i built a corner of a platform. and it was like "whee, this is fun, not like i didn't build these for EVERY show in high school." i love that class, but sometimes i feel like it's theatre craft for inbred chimps "now class, this is a screwdriver.... and this is a hammer..." "jim? what should i use with these nails??" "a hammer." "oh, okay." but, i'm getting off topic. anywho, after that i went to my anthropology lecture, and i looked everywhere for tricia. because i wanted to sit by her, but i couldn't find her, so i settled on sitting behind emily. oh, and the film we watched almost burned down the business school. very exciting. then i went to cafe Z with my dad for lunch. and it was INCREDIBLE. so good. oh my god. and not that exspensive. like, it was $30 including tip for the two of us. for some of the best food i've ever eaten. yeah. then i had masterpieces. which was a joke. and made me want to leap off of a tall building. but, i didn't. then i worked at my dad's for awhile. long enough to get all dusty. (speaking of dusty..... i miss him.) and then... i came home and fell asleep. then i went to dance.... and was accosted by all the greeks who were like... standing outside the union... then i went to the java house, and ran into matt (one of the people i've met at good old java house. not the accountant i was talking about last time... i think the only ones who would know him would be emily and kismet... remember? emily started her story without me because i was talking to him? it was last wednesday...) and we ended up hanging out until like... just now. and now i'm home. and the walls/ducts are still making noise. i'm a wee bit frightened. the end.


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