
first, a rough draft soundtrack of me. inspired by travis. (no, not kismet's travis.)

and she was - the talking heads
sexy messiah - stuart davis
pixie - ani
hope - rem
giving in - stuart
veronica - elvis costello
other side of summer - elvis costello
even the devil is god - stuart
wildflowers - tom petty
louder than words - ttb (corny.. but i *love* that song)
human girl - stuart
never give up on the good times - spice girls


next, something i read that made me laugh out loud.... it's from a valid press review. do your research people!

"Fatone portrays his character in a very different mode than Adam Rapp, who originated the role."

i'm sure a few people get why that's funny. anthony. anthony rapp originated the role. *adam* pascal played roger. as someone on the boards said "and i suppose anthony pascal was the obc roger?" hmm does anthony have a brother named adam? who wrote a book? or is that phillip? or wait... i think phillip rapp played saxophone at my high school. but he kinda looked like anthony. hrm. how confusing.

stuart this weekend. DOUBLE stuart. woo. which reminds me, i need to e-mail him about saturday evening. i'll go do that now.


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