
la. little things seem to be done going wrong. but my PHONE is gone! im' gonna shoot myself, i'm so mad. there's NO where except my car that it could be. even ryan (riff in rocky) SAW me grab it when i got in the car. so like, unless abby ganked it... it HAS to be in my car. and it ISNT' *sob sob* so. news. i'm assistant stage managing rocky horror show at city circle. i'm hella HELLA excited about it. it's gonna be great. i love tech so so so much. i always forget, and am like "ACTING! i want to be and actress!" then, i'm like "eeh... tech..." but as soon as i start, i'm like ":yaaaaay!"

gonna be a great show, lots of neat people in the cast, josh madigan is doing sound design (*wink wink* abi... "uh, i have to... um... go over to the sound table... to uh... give this flash light to josh!" "translation: i'm going to walk over there and stare at josh some more") so. yes. minneapolis on friday. woo wooo! *gasp* friends is on! i have to go!


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