
note: there should be one more ass guitar in the choreography liste below.

everyone, you seriously have to come to this show. and you have to tell me when you're coming!!! renata gets brownie points for saying WHEN she's coming, but loses some for not know how many tickets she needs. dusty has brownie points because he scoffed at me when i thought he wasn't coming, and was like "of COURSE i'lm coming to seee my favorite megan" and made me feel loved. but he loses a few for having no clue about when he's coming and whether he needs more than one ticket. and stuart loses brownie points for not only not knowing what's up, but for confusing me beyond belief (history repeats the old conceits... i'll give you a dollar if you tell me what song that's from. kismet and stuart are not allowed to answer.) and... andrea and aric get points ... because i love them.

i just e-mailed devin. but i hit send to early. so it's a very short and not terribly informative e-mail. so i e-mailed him again. it's a little longer and a little more informative.

i felt very popular. i got home from work and like four boys had called me. of course... one was chad... so that doesn't count. and one was my uncle... so that doesn't count. but two of them were legitimate boys. hehe. i amuse myself. work today was crappy. as usual. at least nicole wasn't there. so i didn't cry all night. *sniffle* and i didn't have to go to rehearsal tonight. my dad called me at work to tell me chad called and my dad's like "uh, i'm not exactly sure what this means, but chad said there's a change and you aren't called tonight. does that mean you don't have to come?" i was like "geez dad, learn the terminology." my dad and i are building "rocky's womb"... it's awesome. ask me and i'll draw you a picture. it's so damn cool. i designed it. because i'm just that awesome.

i'm going to bed now. because i have to work at nine tomorrow morning. nyaaaah. goooodnight.


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