
gooooodness i had a busy day today!

i just found this little piece of paper, and all it says is "bananas "i missed my turn five times!" and "i can't talk! a bum's yelling at me, i'll call you back."" aaah good times. that was the night andrea and i went to whiteys to say hi to aric after the mary kay party, and then we went to austin powers. and i spilled banana shake on my foot while we were running, and we thought the bum was gonna eat our ice cream. *sniff*

anywho, that had nothing to do with my day. let's see. i had class, then i saw this poster about looking for a lead for a student film project thing. and it was like... a picture of reese witherspoon, and a description of the part. so i called and left a message. then i had a meeting with a lady about being in a night of play readings in theatre B next weekend... and then i had class, and voice, and then i took a nap, until the guy called me back about the film thing, then i went and met him, and it sounds like i'm gonna do it! woo! only, i have to clean my room because they want to shoot some of it with me sitting at my computer typing away ^_^ since i do that so very often. (no sarcasm!) then, i went to rehearsal, and we ran act 1. and the first time, it was TERRIBLE. but the second time it was pretty good. then everyone except me went out to the alley cat. and i went to devin's to give him the full run down of the rehearsal he missed. oh, i also went to pan(t)era to discuss my schedule with jan. and then i saw keith! (aka kieth, and teeth) and laura! and we had sooo much fun. and we were sooooo loud. i felt kind a bad about it. but aaah. hehe. it was great. and keith and i reminisced about all our goodtimes, like when he opened the door to the journalism room and i ran into it. (i was walking down the hall talking to nic or something, and keith opened the door, but didn't come out... and i was like *SMACK* it was hilarious.)

and then, devin protected me from the fierce jungle cat outside of currier. i was frightened for my life. i seriously had such a good day... i'm so tired, and still have lots to do... but it's ok, because i had a good day ^_^ oh, all the boys in devins hallway all randomly came out to look at me. i was walking down the hallway, with my shoes half off, and they're all randomly like "wow! a girl! we don't get many girls in this hall!" and i was so intent on walking without my shoes, that i didn't notice until i was like... almost gone. then i turned around and was all confused and they laughed at me *sob*

but, uh, anywho, very good, very productive day. lots of commas in that sentence. i need to go to sleep, or clean, or something.... goooooodnight!!


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