
so, today we've been shooting the film thing all day. it's pretty cool. and i threatened them, if they don't behave devin's gonna beat them to a bloody pulp! not really though. well, maybe really. it's up to devin. i'm talking to annnndreeeeeeea.

megan: i've seen aric TWICE this week
megan: and he darted me BOTH times
andrea: oh you lucky you
andrea: i want to watch!

"i heart darting you!" goood times.

i'm also listening to rent! wow! i haven't done that in a loooong time. i'm also enjoying a lollipop. i sent stuart an email today about lollipops, and rob to the power of three. (to be known from here on out as robttpot... or maybe robttt (rob to the third)) i just don't like rob3. it doesn't look good. i'm gonna get going, i'll leave you with these. . . .

"Ok, Jad and Branet, you're stage left."

"be more impressed, frank grew him... from like... a bean." re: rocky

"you look like a bunch of grazing cows! i need less cows, more sensual."


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