
i promised rob that i'd blog.

oh my dear r2t3... it is so late, i'm done with my paper, and ready to go to bed, but i am here, blogging, for you.

today: i am ill. i have the post show flu. sick stomach, depression, headache. no fun. however, i did complete a rocky page. well... not complete... it needs more... maybe. i haven't decided whether to put rocky quotes in the quotes sections... or to put them on the rocky page. also, i can't decide whether to make a who's who for rocky... oh hell, i'm gonna do it! so... the rocky picture page is done. i've just decided the quotes are going in the quotes section, the who's who is going in the who's who section... and there will be more pictures coming... as soon as i find out why the scanner wont' work. that reminds me... i should scan the newspaper articles and add them to the rocky stuff. and such.

i have auditions for university mainstages and such coming up. baaaah. bah i say. i need to find a head shot to use. grrr. life's so hard.

my monologue is on the verge of being re-memorized.

stuart's here this weekend. i'm hella excited. also, i'm thinking of staying in town for thanksgiving afterall. i miss ben so much... and he'll be home... and if i stay devin said i can eat dinner with his family so i won't stay home and eat macaroni on thanksgiving... but... then... colorado.... but i'll be tehre at chrismas... but i want to see amy's baby (for people who know me... from before all this blogging nonsense... remember amy? my cousin who is like... six months older than me and we used to be best friends... and did everything together when we were little? well... she's married and just had a baby.) and i wanna see patrick. because patrick and i have such goodtimes. and emily (remember emily? a year younger... also a cousin who was a best friend... now engaged...) and emily's fiance reid... who is SO much nicer than sonic. oy... sonic. i should have done more to him than smush his spikey hair. *growl*

nyah. tired. have to get up SOON. blaaaaaaah. goodnight.


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